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October 20th, 2016 6 comments

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Class Episode 4 Co-Owner Of A Lonely Heart Sat 5 November

April starts to feel effects of sharing her heart with Corakinus, and his attempts to sever the attachment only make it stronger.

When April’s estranged father makes a startling appearance she confronts him with Shadow Kin force, manifesting traits of the Shadow Kin leader.

Frightened by this extraordinary new-found power, April seeks comfort in Ram, and vows to reclaim her heart as her own.

Meanwhile, something strange is happening to the others – London is slowly being infested with unusual, sinister flower petals.



  • Anonymous

    November 4th, 2016 - 7:17am

    Why are they brining back corikinus and the shadow kin

  • tardis hugger wibbly wobbly timey wimey

    October 27th, 2016 - 2:58pm

    I’ve all ready seen class ep 7 with my tardis
    Published when class ep7 wasn’t out

  • Lol Hayden

    October 21st, 2016 - 10:10pm

    This sounds like the worst out of the first four so far… I’m not liking this idea, not trying to be bad about it I can’t wait for tomorrow!

  • PolarityReversing

    October 21st, 2016 - 1:08pm

    Still some people may not want to know this information and it wouldn’t take much to put a ‘potential spoilers’ sign at the start of the post like other sites wouldn’t hurt

  • booboo

    October 21st, 2016 - 11:02am

    we do not class officially released info as spoilers

  • PolarityReversing

    October 21st, 2016 - 10:53am

    I would have really labelled this post as spoilers as the press release does reveal major plot points for the season which display instantly on your homepage.

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