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April 14th, 2013 11 comments

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Cold War Overnight Viewing Figures

Cold War Overnight Viewing Figures

Cold War had an overnight audience of 5.7 million viewers, a share of 26.7% of the total TV audience.

These overnight figures have become increasingly unreliable as to the true audience. Final figures will be available in 7 days time.


Series 7b ratings so far…

The Bells of Saint John overnight 6.18 Million Final 8.44 Million

The Rings of Akhaten overnight 5.5 Million Final7.45 Million

Cold War overnight 5.7 million



  • bob

    April 19th, 2013 - 3:51pm

    good amount of views but in the 60s some stories got 13 million!

  • Anonymous

    April 16th, 2013 - 8:33am

    Some good points raised but also want to point out Moff only wrote Bells of St John, Rings of Akhetan is by Neil Cross and Cold War by Mark Gatis. Also The Mill DID do the effects on 7b bu will be closing soon – apparently he lack of a Doctor Who Series 8 being commissioned this year is a big part of that as there’s simply not enough work to finance them – that’s a shame we all feel to not have a Series 8 in th Anniv Year after all the build up of how long it was all I. PreProduction and instead having to settle for 7b being shoehorned in as the Anniv Series when it was never designed to be such!

  • Pete da Cal

    April 16th, 2013 - 8:21am

    Sorry for the horrific editing of my post – completely derides the points raised! Apologies, and more attn paid before tapping Submit on my tablet next time!

  • Pete da Cal

    April 16th, 2013 - 8:19am

    I thought Cold War was a pretty entertaining and oftentimes tense romp, easily my favorite ths far of Series 7b. However there were some issues but I feel these are more to do with the format of New Who more than anything, giving the whole episode a far too rushed feeling – I mean this could and should have been a 2 parter easily. Imagine he eerie and interesting build up of finding the Ice Warrior and all the nods to the Classic Series and lassie horror movie The Thing that could have been enjoyed by all. The Doctor and Clara’s intro and insertion into the story is so rushed and the whole thing so devoid of any character moments that it feels like it should fall more toward th end o the series after we know Clara better (this is just modern Clara’s 3rd TARDIS Trip!) but these aren’t Mark Gatis’ fault that – there’s so much story crammed into 45 minutes when we need to savor and have tensions build over double that.
    Far better had the TARDIS hostile action displacement system left them stranded on the ice necessitating them going into the sub (as prisoners of more authentically suspicious Cold War era Russian soldiers!) and the claustrophobic confines of the dark sub after the expansive open of the North Pole ice would have made a fantastically suffocating contrast! And it would have allowed far more time to get to know the characters who were genuinely interesting, and appreciate the stakes (the artic oil expedition cover reveal of 12 nukes on a military sub would also be awesome as the Doctor realizes just how dangerous the situation has become) – so much tension and breathtaking build but instead its just rush rush rush oh we’re done now!
    Give Gatis’ story an extended DVD release as a full 2 parter edited to include the above or at least a novelization of such so we can enjoy everything that was obviously there but simply had no time to cover in a 1 parter!
    Still good…but could have been so, so much the better!

  • john hutson

    April 15th, 2013 - 5:08pm

    I love Steven Moffat writing. I loved Coupling, and every DW episode he wrote before season 7.2 . I have not only watched his shows but read each script. I think he’s a genius at script writing.. BUT since season 7 part 2 has rolled out I am very worried. I feel DW is rudderless lost in a sea of possibilities with no idea which way to row. There is confusion over what’s the need for the relationship between Doctor Who character and Clara/Oswin .She’s filled many roles, It’s like watching Strindbergs Miss Julie.
    When did DR Who’s begin PLEADING with the monsters. He has lost his machismo and I think the directors need to remember Bravura is needed to make a long winded speech sound like more than whining. Matt is did a fair amount of whining in The Cold War..
    To be fair I believe another reason it’s slipped is the loss of the special effect house The Mill (why didn’t the BBC decide to go with them again? Did we lose our best advocate in the brass of BBC to protect the budget of DR Who and keep it spectacular ? By changing special affects houses we seem to have found a house whose abilities are to create freaky scary aliens aplenty that aren’t part of the plot. This hasn’t been a Whovian world. it’s a Stars Wars trope or a Sci-fi convention appeal. Think of the street markets in “Turn Left” or” The Fires of Pompeii” they were staffed by natives. The aliens were the DR and that’s flipped on it’s head. Freaky aliens had names and were part of the plot not dress extras.
    If you’ve read this far Thank you ! Just a few more points.
    There needs to be an impresario to lead the season arc and sell the BBC on how worth while DW is to keep BIG. Remember “The Stolen Earth,” 27 planets hung in the sky and the problem solving relied on lots of people. In the last Who episode we were shrunk down to a submarine, like the budget episode “Midnight” with one creepy creature.
    In “The Asylum of The Dahleks” Dr Who was a genius (and so was STEVE MOFFAT!) , he figured out many impossible problems one after another in a single show Now there’s only one or two stumpers in a show . And Diplomacy instead of Action seems to be a growing solution which is not satisfying in an adventure story…. After the last three shows I went to bed hungry , feeling I only had 3/4’s of a whole show. I look forward to Neil Gaiman’s episode I feel he’ll give us lots to fear and lots to feel. BEST OF LUCK “DOCTOR WHO” You’ve been my favorite show on TV and I live in America. I”M PULLING FOR YOU TO STAY ON TOP OF YOUR GAME. I WISH YOU SUCCESS !!! ALL The Best! john Hutson

  • Harold Saxon

    April 15th, 2013 - 1:08pm

    The viewing figures seem consistant to me,loved this episode.

  • Mason Bingley

    April 14th, 2013 - 7:35pm

    I didnt think Cold War was that good to say there was an ice warrior in it and i think the trailers could be better but i am really looking forward to Hide next week!!!! 🙂

  • McGann is the Doctor

    April 14th, 2013 - 3:28pm

    I blame the trailer from last week’s episode, I mean, have some sense, there is an ICE WARRIOR in it, everyone already knows, just show it in the trailer ! ❗

  • BadgerCo

    April 14th, 2013 - 3:25pm

    They are definitely dropping. Hopefully the 50th in November will get at least 10 million!

  • Dalek Smith

    April 14th, 2013 - 11:36am

    I meant lowest percentage

  • Dalek Smith

    April 14th, 2013 - 11:35am

    weirdly this was the lowest viewing figures of 7b but i’m sure it will get a lot on the iplayer and recordings

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