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December 31st, 2009 2 comments

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David Tennant Final interviews

David Tennant has given his final interview as the current Doctor with lizo mzimba.

He also appeared recently on both GMTV and BBC breakfast to promote his final episode as the Doctor.

You can see all these interviews below…



  • John

    November 24th, 2020 - 9:13pm

    OMG he is finally gone… He will always be my favourite doctor..
    Sad times…

  • MaxRide101

    January 27th, 2010 - 11:16pm

    🙁 I can’t believe he’s gone! He definitely was the best Doctor ever, Matt Smith better be pretty freaking amazing.
    I guess phoning him up and begging wouldn’t work now… D: Gonna miss him.

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