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November 23rd, 2012 52 comments

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Doctor Who – 49 Years – The Countdown Begins

Doctor Who – 49 Years – The Countdown Begins

From The BBC Archives

23rd November 1963
An adventure In space and time.
WILLIAM RUSSELL as Ian Chesterton
JAQUELINE HILL as Rarhara Wright and
CAROLE ANN FORD as Susan Foreman

An Unearthly Child
by Anthony Coburn
Title music by Ron Grainer and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop
Incidental music by NORMAN KAY
Story editor. David Whitaker
Designer, Peter Brachacki
Associate producer, Mervyn Pinfleld
Producer, Verity Lambert
Directed by Waris Hussein

DR. WHO? That is just the point. Nobody knows precisely who he is, this mysterious exile from another world and a distant future whose adventures begin today. But this much is known: he has a ship in which he can travel through space and time – although, owing to a defect in its instruments he can never be sure where and when his ‘landings’ may take place. And he has a grand-daughter Susan, a strange amalgam of teenage normality and uncanny intelligence.

Click the image to find out more…



  • Baba

    January 4th, 2013 - 2:37pm

    Yay I can’t wait

  • doctorwhoone

    December 2nd, 2012 - 9:56am

    Seeing as Doctor Who is 50 next year, it seems like the ideal year for the BBC to create a brand new TV channel completely 100% devoted to NOTHING but DOCTOR WHO !!!!!!!!!!! 😀

    No other TV series is the world has a channel devoted to it, so Doctor Who can therefore have the honour of being the first.

    It could repeat classic and new stories, talk about fandom, review the latest merchandise, upcoming events etc.

    I did ask the BBC about it on their YouTube channel along time ago but they just ignore comments [typical !!].

    Not sure what the channel would be called thou if it existed so I’m up for suggestions like maybe –

    DWTV – The Official Doctor Who TV Channel

  • asa

    November 27th, 2012 - 2:54pm

    Man, I can’t wait for this anniversary to come out next year!! I know it’ll be a good one. C:
    Happy 50th anniversary Doctor Who!! Whoo! And every doctor is just as good as another in many ways. 🙂 Hope this one will be great for everyone!! 😀

  • georgia-doctor

    November 26th, 2012 - 7:17pm

    same! The first thing i saw was the doctor’s hand around rose’s in the shop where she worked and he said “run”. best moment in my life. CAN’T WAIT FOR 50TH ANNIVERSARY!!!!


    November 25th, 2012 - 5:28pm

    Same, Rose was the first episode I ever watched 🙂 I loved Rose, think she is one of my fav companions


    November 25th, 2012 - 5:26pm

    Ok sos i meant angels 🙂 Okay thanks for the help x

  • Whovian

    November 25th, 2012 - 5:17pm

    BRING ON THE BIG 5 0!!!!!!!!!! I’ve been a fan ever since the first reboot episode. I can’t wait for the anniversary!

  • doctorwhoone

    November 25th, 2012 - 10:19am

    Oops, sorry, I thought ‘Attack of the Cybermen’ was a McCoy story, I ment ‘Silver Nemesis’ when it comes to his Doctor.

    ‘Remembrance of the Daleks’ thou, yes I agree that is recommended too 🙂

  • Those Snowmen over there

    November 25th, 2012 - 8:56am

    Remembrance of the Daleks! 😀 You can’t forget Remembrance! 😉

  • Anonymous

    November 25th, 2012 - 8:47am

    Happy Birthday Doctor Who! I can’t believe its nearly 50 years, I’m Excited for Next Year! In 2005 when I was about 4 or 5 my first Episode was World War 3, I know I missed 4 Episodes of the First New Series but then I got addicted to it. So now I’m an official Doctor Who Fan! COME ON 50TH WE ARE WAITING!!!

  • John Smith

    November 25th, 2012 - 8:45am

    No Sylvester McCoy episodes?

  • The Supreme Dalek

    November 25th, 2012 - 8:39am

    Happy Birthday Doctor Who! Next year is going to be great! From the start of 2013, I shall be watching episodes every day for the celebration! 😀

    I’m 12 and I remembered watching it for the first time. ‘Rose’ was actually my first one when I was 5 or 6. My parents had watched the classics so they let me watch it. I enjoyed it so much, then I watched the next episode, and the next, and that was me! Come on 50th!! 😀

  • doctorwhoone

    November 25th, 2012 - 8:31am

    It’s ‘Angels’ not ‘Angles’, and yes, the original series of Doctor Who has stories that are just as good as ‘The Angels take Manhatten’.

    If you’ve not yet seen any classic Doctor Who, I’d recommend the following –

    An Unearthly Child [but ignore the Caveman stuff]
    The Invasion [1968 Cyberman story]
    The Green Death
    Genesis of the Daleks
    The Five Doctors
    Revelation of the Daleks
    Attack of the Cybermen
    Doctor Who – The Movie

  • John Smith

    November 25th, 2012 - 2:11am

    Been a fan since I was about 4 years old when they were doing classic series re-runs on the ABC. Genesis of the Daleks was my first ever episode and the Daleks terrified me while the 4th Doctor made me laugh. What better way to enter the world of Doctor Who? Since then I’ve watched every episode to be brought out on DVD from the classic series and even some on old video tapes. Not to forget the series’ return to our screens in 2005 which left me breathless.

    Here’s to another 50 years! GERONIMO!

  • Fish Fingers ‘n Custard

    November 24th, 2012 - 10:47pm

    I’m only 12 but I started watching Doctor Who from a young age, and I was hooked. My parents watched Doctor Who when they were younger so I was able to watch the older episodes. I got the magazines and I basically loved it. I still do obviously and I’ll definitely be celebrating this! Happy Birthday Who!


    November 24th, 2012 - 7:49pm

    I have not been a fan for long because I am 12 but since Cristopher Eccleston’s first appearance I have loved Doctor Who since, and I have loved the Daleks, so I will be celebrating 50th Anniversary! I wish I had seen the original Doctor Who episodes, were they as good as Angles take Manhattan?

  • crazy guy

    November 24th, 2012 - 3:49pm

    oh thanks for clearing everything up now it all makes sense. thank you

  • McGann is the Doctor.

    November 24th, 2012 - 3:32pm

    I first became a fan shortly before Planet of the Dead aired.

    I bought my dad the Genesis of the Daleks DVD for his birthday, and got into it since then.

    Remember the main thing I was interested in was getting loads of Daleks and Cybermen.

    Now, I’ve become such a better fan, on so many levels, and I have learned alot from the show, it’s making, and it’s hero.

    My favourite Doctor is Colin Baker, when I saw his performance I liked him instantly.

    Here’s to many more years of Big Finish stories, novelisations with great covers, 5″ action figures, high quality DVDs with educational features, great Doctors with fantasticly strange outfits and overall, may we be better for having watched the show ❗

  • Hector Sandler

    November 24th, 2012 - 7:44am

    Well it great . My comment to say I always will love Dr.Who. Now & Forever. I grew up with Jon Pertwee & Tom Baker. But William Hartnell & Patrick Troughton were great. I do like the current Doctors & his predecessors who portrayed the role since 2005.

  • Dalek Strategist

    November 24th, 2012 - 3:36am

    If it was 1970, the Doctor would be exiled to Earth, in his 3rd incarnation, and working for UNIT

  • Dalek Strategist

    November 24th, 2012 - 3:34am

    Happy 49th! From William’s grandfatherly wisdom, to Smith’s alien quirkiness, to Sylvester’s mysterious aura, even to David’s angst, the Doctor is the greatest fictional character of all time, and the Daleks are the greatest antagonists ever created!

  • Those Snowmen over there

    November 23rd, 2012 - 9:09pm

    Happy birthday Doctor Who! Looking forward to the 50th next year! GERONIMO! 😀

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