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April 9th, 2013 40 comments

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Filming at Tower of London and Trafalgar Square

Filming at Tower of London and Trafalgar Square

Doctor Who location report with Jenna-Louise Coleman, Jemma Redgrave and Ingrid Oliver!

Filming is also taking place in Trafalgar Square.



  • HarryReeves2000

    April 21st, 2013 - 9:30am

    I think some doctors will be digitally put in to the episode. (Hologram)

  • HarryReeves2000

    April 21st, 2013 - 9:27am


  • Dalek The Supreme

    April 12th, 2013 - 1:47pm

    Since he’s not coming, I’d like to see Tom Baker, Sylvester McCoy, and Paul McGann show up.

  • Steampunk Doctor

    April 11th, 2013 - 8:08pm


  • The Hypnotism Lord

    April 11th, 2013 - 4:58pm

    wouldnt it be good if the doctor was hypnotised to go to the fields of trenzalore by the daleks? I love Hypnosis!!

  • Still Not Ginger

    April 11th, 2013 - 4:38pm

    going to sound weried but can as many of you type the word hypnotise in reply to this? i am having a competition. thanks

  • Sebatron

    April 11th, 2013 - 11:37am


  • MAXP

    April 11th, 2013 - 3:27am

    Well I saw him saying how he “never looks back”, a philosophy which felt like he’d lived by for a while now. And how come everyone else can handle it all enough to come back again and again – eg Billie Piper, Ms. Freeman, David Tennant etc, but he’s so peeved he wants nothing to do with it. At any rate it’s a new production team these days anyway and furthermore you’d be doing it for the fans, the very people that have such high regard for your contribution to the mythos; Not your own ego. Personally I thought he was a poor doctor and wouldn’t care if I never saw again- the accent and the lack of eccentricity didn’t work IMO. But for an anniversary of this scale it would be the go to at least have the last 3 docs present.

  • toclafane 3784

    April 10th, 2013 - 9:25pm

    i still think that they should of done the chldren in time vs the alliance

  • Anonymous

    April 10th, 2013 - 9:08pm

    she might be like Malcolm and be a big fan of the doctor

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