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October 23rd, 2012 8 comments

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Doctor Who Ceefax Trip Down Memory Lane

Doctor Who Ceefax Trip Down Memory lane

BBC Ceefax, the world’s first teletext service, is set for a final bow as the UK’s digital switchover is completed.

Ceefax was launched on 23 September 1974 to give BBC viewers the chance to check the latest news headlines, sports scores, weather forecast or TV listings – in a pre-internet era where the only alternative was to wait for the next TV or radio bulletin to be aired.

Amazingly we kept many of the early news articles – so here is a Ceefax Doctor Who trip down memory lane…



  • Tardis’nt

    October 24th, 2012 - 5:22pm

    i used this a few times on my old telly, one of them said “doctor wo to take a rest in 2012” but it didn’t R.I.P to the thing i used to read 😆

  • Mr Evil Fez

    October 24th, 2012 - 3:31pm

    I used to really like Ceefax, but I don’t read it anymore though. RIP Ceefax


    October 24th, 2012 - 2:26pm

    I remember this! C ya Ceefax!

  • Doctor Who Crazy Ross Muscroft

    October 24th, 2012 - 1:01pm

    I have to say, I won’t be missing Ceefax that much. My Grandad used to check it inbetween TV programmes like Merlin or Primeval… Never Doctor Who though, cause he knows I’d kill him if anything took Doctor Who off the Telly 😀

  • Sebatron

    October 23rd, 2012 - 11:02pm

    I am so confused.

  • The Supreme Dalek

    October 23rd, 2012 - 8:24pm

    Oh I know this! I never knew that the BBC used to have it though. I like how it says that at the scene when Dr. Constantine transforms, they didn’t add the sound of his skull cracking. That would have made it soooo much scarier! 😯

  • The TARDIS

    October 23rd, 2012 - 8:10pm

    Ah, so many stories I heard about first on Ceefax… A shame to see it go. But as a very wise woman once said, “Everything has it’s time, and everything ends.” Cee ya, ceefax.

  • Zak

    October 23rd, 2012 - 7:32pm

    It’s sad to see it go after so many years.
    It will be missed through out the UK.
    Bye Bye BBC Ceefax.

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