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July 12th, 2011 5 comments

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Doctor Who Episodes to Rent Via Facebook


In a new venture for BBC Worldwide, the BBC’s commercial arm will tomorrow offer a series of digitally remastered Doctor Who stories to rent via Facebook . By using Facebook credits, users visiting the official Doctor Who page will be able to stream a selection of nine stories (each containing several episodes) from the history of the Time Lord, including digitally remastered classics such as ‘Tomb of the Cybermen’ as well as modern day favourites ‘Silence in the Library’ and ‘End of the World’. ‘The Greatest Show in the Galaxy’ will be a Facebook exclusive, having never been released on DVD.

The episodes will be available for Facebook users in Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Once rented, episodes will be available to view for 48 hours.

John Smith, Chief Executive at BBC Worldwide said “As we have grown internationally, we’ve seen through our Facebook channel that fans who are loving the new series are asking for a guide into our rich Doctor Who back catalogue. Our approach to Facebook and other leading edge platforms is to be right there alongside them in fostering innovation. We see this service as a perfect way to give our fans what they want, as well as a great way for them to get their fix between now and the autumn when Series Six continues”.

“Millions of people engage with their favourite TV shows on Facebook every day and we’re now seeing broadcasters look at innovative ways to use Facebook tools to connect their fans with exclusive content,” said Christian Hernandez, Director, Platform Partnerships, Facebook. “Through its Facebook page, BBC Worldwide is giving Doctor Who fans a quick and easy way to access these iconic episodes.”

Facebook credits provide a familiar and consistent payment experience, and a trusted space to store payment information. Credits can be purchased within an app, or through the payments tab within the users account settings.

Doctor Who is one of BBC Worldwide’s flagship brands; sold to over 50 territories worldwide and with over 65 awards to its name.



  • anthony

    July 24th, 2011 - 2:06pm

    your youtbe is great i like watching your vids i comment ing here cos im not on youtbe but well done you

  • anthony

    July 24th, 2011 - 2:06pm

    booboo u no the dalek war game and the dalek game to victory i cant hear the sound has it taken off and are u looking foorwad to new figures like that weeping angel someone said anyway

  • anthony

    July 24th, 2011 - 2:04pm

    what is it ?

  • DALEK2626

    July 12th, 2011 - 10:52pm

    “John Smith, Chief Executive at BBC Worldwide”, wait…Seriously!

  • th supreme

    July 12th, 2011 - 3:20pm

    cool i am first. i think that is good

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