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May 24th, 2019 6 comments

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Doctor Who Gloucester Filming Pictures

Its not very often we get to see Doctor Who being filmed, so its pretty handy when its taking place right outside where you work.

Its also fair to say there is no secret as to the Judoons return, nor that part (or all) of this episode is being filmed and set in Gloucester, particularity around its magnificent cathedral.

There are many many pictures and vidoes around the net but we have just posted a few non spoilery pictures, mostly of rehearsals, that we were able to take between working (although you might want avoid if you want to know nothing at all).

Day one of filming was set in the grounds of the cathedral and one or two side streets.

The last time we saw filing was in the same location, these images, the first from “The next Doctor” are 11 years apart but in the exact same spot!

We assume day 2 was entirely set inside the cathedral but Jodie Whittaker took time out to meet and greet the crowds and many selfies were to be had, shear numbers of people meant she could not get around to everyone.

Jodie Whittaker, and the entire crew were very friendly to onlookers and fans.

And from the Producer…



  • Daz

    September 16th, 2019 - 2:42pm

    I’d be so chuffed to see Jodie filming Doctor Who where I live how cool would that be! She obviously has a lot of love and time for the fans too which is lovely.
    Those Judoon with Human heads look really funny just shows how big the Judoon heads are!

  • Anonymous

    May 27th, 2019 - 8:51am

    Judooning, or maybe there is a big problem and they had to break the rules for a reason.

    Really excited for the Judoon’s return too!

  • JA

    May 24th, 2019 - 10:16pm

    That actress Graham is sharing a scene with was on Wisards vs Aliens – the Thirteenth Floor – I think….

  • Anonymous

    May 24th, 2019 - 4:31pm

    @judooning I think rani Clyde and Luke were grounded to earth, I think the Judoon are able to visit earth, although I may be wrong.

  • Judooning

    May 24th, 2019 - 12:27pm

    Yes! Judoon marching through the streets of modern Earth. I’m guessing someone or something is on Earth that shouldn’t be and the Judoon are here to detain it. Hopefully with their same ruthlessness and non forgiving ways.
    Maybe the Doctor has even called them here to help because if I remember rightly, aren’t the Judoon banned from Earth? I remember Rani mentioning it in the SJA.

  • Doctor Stu

    May 24th, 2019 - 11:53am

    I don’t like those new Judoon guns, they look too disco and Movellian

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