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November 13th, 2015 41 comments

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Hell Bent Saturday 5th December 8.00 – 9.05PM

If you took everything from him, betrayed him, trapped him, and broke both his hearts…how far might the Doctor go?

Returning to Gallifrey, the Doctor faces the Time Lords in a struggle that will take him to the end of time itself. Who is the Hybrid? And what is the Doctor’s confession?

Writer / Steven Moffat
Director / Rachel Talalay
Producer / Peter Bennett



  • Whovian

    December 5th, 2015 - 3:01pm

    I don’t want to get to excited or anything but if past things are coming back.And Gallifrey is coming back then maybe his family and granddaughter are coming.Also I agree that the doctor is one of three in the part of the hybrid.But when he ran away he also accidentally made the hybrid.When he says the hybrid is me,he doesn’t mean himself he means the girl me.

  • Anonymous

    December 5th, 2015 - 2:32pm

    I neither agree or disagree.

  • Davrosdestroyer

    December 5th, 2015 - 8:33am

    and cybermen and weeping angles

  • Jason [Doctor Who One] from Deviant Art

    December 3rd, 2015 - 4:54pm

    This will be the 11th Time Lord story since 1969’s ‘The War Games’, or 10th if you don’t count the mini-sode ‘The Last Day’, but I count it as it’s a terrific little story and don’t have the heart to leave it out.

    The War Games [1969]
    The Three Doctors [1972 / 73]
    The Deadly Assassin [1976]
    The Invasion of Time [1978]
    Arc of Infinity [1983]
    The Five Doctors [1983]
    The Trial of a Time Lord [1986]
    The End of Time [2009 / 2010]
    The Last Day [2013]
    The Day of the Doctor [2013]
    Hell Bent [2015]

    Deliberately left out last weekends ‘Heaven Sent’ because you don’t really see any Time Lords [other then the Doctor himself] in that episode.

    Hopefully with them and Gallifrey freed from the parallel pocket universe this Saturday, we will be treated to no doubt more Time Lord adventures in the years to come 🙂

  • starshipalaska

    December 1st, 2015 - 10:59pm

    Well, we now know that Darvros was right. He did run because he was afraid of his part in the coming of the hybrid. He admitted it in ‘Heaven Sent’. Canon now. Boom.

  • Anonymous

    November 29th, 2015 - 9:42am

    ‘The hybrid is me!’
    Maybe he doesn’t mean himself, maybe he means Lady Me/Mayor Me, she’s certainly not fully human anymore and the doctor said its not part Dalek because a Dalek would never allow it
    Food for thought

  • Anonymous

    November 28th, 2015 - 9:27pm

    Daleks return

  • Anonymous

    November 22nd, 2015 - 9:35am

    I hope missy and davros return

  • 100,000BC

    November 21st, 2015 - 9:54pm

    There are a number of continuing plot threads which I expect will be resolved here, including:
    Confession, Ashildr, Gallifrey, Hybrid, Clara
    I expect many surprise returns and cameos; An image of Ohila was in DWM but what of those individuals who were last seen left on Gallifrey? Ashildr’s story feels like it will get closure and Kelly Hunter’s cameo in episode 1 shows that she, and likewise others, may well return.

  • Davrosdestroyer

    November 21st, 2015 - 9:10pm

    best episodes ever

  • Davrosdestroyer

    November 21st, 2015 - 9:08pm

    anon-that is actually a good theory but not so much on the half human-timelord part.

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