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August 30th, 2012 41 comments

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Doctor Who Pond Life Part Four Now live

Doctor Who Pond Life Part Four Now live

Featuring the Doctor, Amy and Rory, this five-part mini-adventure premieres Monday with parts 2-5 stripped daily across the week. Written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Saul Metzstein, the omnibus version of Pond Life will be shown on the BBC’s Red Button on Saturday, 1st September.

En route to visit the Ponds the TARDIS’ Helmic Regulator malfunctions, leaving the Doctor popping up everywhere in time and space. Will he ever make it back to them?



  • The Doctor

    August 31st, 2012 - 8:08pm

    look at pond life part 5…. Waahhh!

  • WouldyoulikeaJellyBaby?

    August 31st, 2012 - 12:04pm

    Me too it was good but sad.

  • Give me a Dalek any day

    August 31st, 2012 - 11:59am

    Just watched Part 5! Brilliant!

  • dr who

    August 31st, 2012 - 11:17am

    well i do think the valeyard is behind it all.because the valeyard is to do with the 12th incarnaton,he is dangerous,the doctor is becoming darker[the waters of mars,the pandorica opens,series 6 and series 7,the dream lord was introduced,the silence believe the doctor is dangerous,his name can’t be to do with the time lords or omega,it has to be the valeyard because the universe fear the doctor,the doctor became to big,we also got room 11 in the god complex, and one day he will be born,i think this is moffats plan

    so i do actually think moffat is planning the birth of the valeyard and the doctor is going to regenrate,meaning the valeyard will come into it

    you see it is all leading to the valeyard,i be you all of it is foreshadowing his birth,what else could it be,but i don’t think it will be the old actor who did it,maybe it will be toby jones

    but i do think this is what he has planned to do.

  • dr who

    August 31st, 2012 - 11:11am

    any one else want to answer questions

  • dr who

    August 31st, 2012 - 11:10am


  • booboo

    August 31st, 2012 - 10:57am

    do you think the silence will return? Yes one day

    do you think the question will be answered? done know

    do you think we will learn the whole truth of the silents? maybe one day

    do you think the valeyard’s birth maybe the reason behind it all? no

    do you think trenzalore is on gallifrey? no

    do you think this series will foreshadow the arc?as we still have not solved eve half of it yet no

    do you think the silence will discover the doctor survived? yes

    when do you think they will discover he is alive? yes

    and when do you think all the questions of moffat will be solved when matt smith decided to leave

  • dr who

    August 31st, 2012 - 10:54am

    booboo i have a few for you,there are off topic,but these maybe the main things behind series 7,i know it sounds boring,but could you answer each and every question,it’s a prediction if you think they will be solved.

    also booboo just tell me what you think they are about

    do you think the silence will return?

    do you think the question will be answered?

    do you think we will learn the whole truth of the silents?

    do you think the valeyard’s birth maybe the reason behind it all?

    do you think trenzalore is on gallifrey?

    do you think this series will foreshadow the arc?as we still have not solved eve half of it yet

    do you think the silence will discover the doctor survived?

    when do you think they will discover he is alive?

    and when do you think all the questions of moffat will be solved

    booboo please reply answer each question please.

    thanks if you can reply,but give answer predictions what you think may happen with them all.

  • booboo

    August 31st, 2012 - 10:32am

    should be quite long today then


    August 31st, 2012 - 10:31am

    the official site says that the whole thing is 6 mins long now

  • booboo

    August 31st, 2012 - 10:25am

    yes its is in a way

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