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September 20th, 2018 44 comments

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Doctor Who Series 11 Full Trailer + Screenshots



  • Anonymous

    September 27th, 2018 - 10:04pm

    Would be sad, the tardis is my favourite part of Doctor Who.

  • Lorraine

    September 27th, 2018 - 4:19pm

    Well the press had a sneak preview and report favourably on Jodie’s performance so perhaps it will be okay after all.

  • Anonymous

    September 26th, 2018 - 10:14pm

    They can’t get rid of the tardis though

  • Lorraine

    September 25th, 2018 - 8:42pm

    Just a crazy thought but that is a fond sad kiss at the end and I have read somewhere that Chibbers as I believe he is being called has said we won’t being seeing much of the Tardis and youngsters today, particularly new viewers, will not identify with an old police box. Like I said crazy thought and can’t be right.

  • Lorraine

    September 24th, 2018 - 10:09am

    What i meant is that it feels more like Sarah Jane which was aimed at the younger end of the Doctor Who audience and was very well done. I am aware that Doctor Who was created for children, I was 6 when it started. At 61 i really should accept that the BBC are seeking to attract a young audience and if successful this will ensure the programme continues but it would be good to have a Who based adult programme running as well for those of us who have grown up with the series hence my mention of Torchwood however I don’t think the current viewing figures will tempt the BBC to do this.

  • The Outcast

    September 24th, 2018 - 3:20am

    Don’t like the music, feel it ruins the trailer a bit, but everything else I quite like the look of. Hopefully this Series is good.

  • Anonymous

    September 23rd, 2018 - 2:01pm

    A quick word on the pop music in the trailer. Relax! Lot’s of other BBC shows use pop music in trailers that are not used in the show! Eastenders, casualty, bodyguard ect it’s just a trailer.

  • Anonymous

    September 23rd, 2018 - 1:58pm

    I don’t get the ‘it looks childish’ comments. What looks childish? Also, remember that most classic era episodes were shown before 6 o’clock, so the show has always been aimed at kids. Just look at season 17! Poor sets, dodgy childish acting from Tom (oh, my arms, my legs, my everything…!) But I was 9 and loved it. It also me me laugh that when the show has done adult thought provoking complicated storylines recently people still complain. I feel sorry for whittaker and chibnall, they really are on a hiding for nothing with some people. I love that it’s ten individual self-contained stories as well. It looks great to me.

  • Tim M

    September 23rd, 2018 - 11:59am

    I’m trying to keep an open mind now as the new series is fast approaching. I’m looking forward to it, but not getting over excited about it. I think as many people as possible should watch at least the first couple of episodes. We should all give it a chance and not write it off already. The recent trailer has given me more hope that the upcoming series looks spectacular.

  • the ergon

    September 23rd, 2018 - 12:26am

    I,m just wondering with the series in full swing, there would be no need for a preview as such, whether BBCs ‘Children in Need’ do some sort of exclusive minisode and also as the series would end in December if they save the final episode for Xmas Day, by what they mean by xmas episode this year, since they are all standalones. Just a thought.

  • Doctor Stu

    September 22nd, 2018 - 10:24pm

    Hasn’t felt like Doctor who since around 2011 but I’ll still watch

  • Lorraine

    September 22nd, 2018 - 9:04pm

    Feels like it should be on a children’s channel. I am fearful. I think I will be scared watching the first episode just in case i hate it. The trailers so far do not in any way make me feel great some fresh episodes to enjoy. I agree with Anonymous. I want clever thought provoking storylines and I don’t think that is on the table. A Doctor Who trailer with pop music ugh! So hope i am wrong. Husband says he is not watching so that’s one you have lost Chibnall. If it’s as lightweight as it seems many hard-core long standing fans will disappear. If I am right can we please have a resurgence of Torchwood and leave this to the kiddies. Probably over reacting but I love this programme and I don’t recognise what I am seeing.

  • prototype dalek

    September 22nd, 2018 - 8:50pm

    Not really keen on first glance, don’t feel the excitement like past series. Glad they didn’t show the whole series in the trailer like they have done before though. Music not really my choice but won’t judge it on that.

    Overall in my own person opinion, I am worried about it and not looking forward to it like the past. But I will give it a chance and see what happens. Again my own opinion and thoughts.

  • Anonymous

    September 21st, 2018 - 2:30pm

    Being honest, I’m more concerned for this series. I’m not excited for it like I’ve been with past series. I understand they’ve wanted to give it a fresh take, but it just doesn’t feel like Doctor Who. Jodie will last either 2 or 4 years in my opinion, depending on how well people take to like this series. I think BBC have gone way OTT with political correctness on this and it’s wrong. Everyone is afraid to admit it because they fear people will disagree with them.

    Look at Twice Upon a Time. That had a lot of adult jokes in it that were genuinely funny and clever, but there was still complaints. This series will not have any of that which is sad because it’s doing what everyone else wants (to be politically correct) and not actually listening to it’s actual fans. A change is good once in a while, but, in my opinion, it’s gone too far. This series doesn’t feel and look like Doctor Who, and I can already tell that from the trailers and promo images

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