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February 7th, 2020 12 comments

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Doctor Who Series 12 Brand New Trailer

Doctor Who Series 12 Brand New Trailer. What’s still to come will change everything…



  • UK Viewer

    February 11th, 2020 - 8:56pm

    Looking good!

    Agree that the new cyber head is the best new series cyberman so far (comes second to the Earthshock type over all for me). I just wish they’d not make them so armour plated, it looks to low tech. They should have a supple impervious ‘skin’ (again for me the Earthshock style was the best). Oh and please stop having them “Stomp” every where!!

    My other wish for the Cybermen is that would be truly emotionless. No triumphant “Excellent”s, nothing at all. That is how they are supposed to be…

    Cybermen: People converted to metal & plastic, completely emotionless, relentless but not recklessly so… their only aim/goal – survival and expansion.

    Daleks: People force evolved into ugly blobs and encased in a personal tank, all positive emotions removed, all hatred emotions emphasised, made to be utterly Xenophobic, relentless to the point of obsession (will sacrifice themselves or their comrades in the name of victory), their only aim/goal – total extermination of every other form of life.

    Hope the new Master pops up even if only for one scene.

  • The Ergon

    February 9th, 2020 - 5:16pm

    Ascension of the cybermen and The timeless children the final two.

  • Doctor Stu

    February 9th, 2020 - 5:12pm

    Is the Mary Shelley episode next week? Because surely that makes the finale a 3 parter? And is it just a coincidence that today’s episode features the guy who voiced the remnants from last series?

  • Pats86

    February 8th, 2020 - 5:23pm

    Just want to add to Doctor Stu’s comment,

    Cybermen and the Master….and the Two Doctor’s?

  • The Moffat Paradox

    February 8th, 2020 - 4:52pm

    And a special whether or not for festive period that definitely has Skaro’s finest.

  • Doctor Stu

    February 8th, 2020 - 11:15am

    Series 8 final – Cybermen and the master
    Series 10 final – Cyberman and two masters
    Series 12 final – Cybermen and the master

  • Trenzalore

    February 7th, 2020 - 5:44pm

    Very excited for these last few episodes, its very strange to have such a fan-pleasing and arc-centric finale after last series’ low key finale and non-existent story arc. Makes me wonder how much of this series was a reaction by Chibnall to the response from last series and how much has been his plan all along. The finale looks to be quite similar to World Enough and Time which was quite recent, I already think the series 10 finale (which is my favourite finale of Doctor Who) has been done a slight disservice by the way the Master has been brought back so I hope the Cybermen are handled well here.

  • When The Doctor Was Me

    February 7th, 2020 - 5:00pm

    The Cybermen are a my all time favourite villain! This is by far the best head design of the new series. Just wish they didn’t still have the arc reactor like Iron Man.
    Cannot wait!

  • Anonymous

    February 7th, 2020 - 4:40pm

    Cybermen look great. Loving series 12

  • Tim M

    February 7th, 2020 - 4:31pm

    These Cybermen look like a hybrid of the classic and new Cybermen. They do look good though. I wonder want agenda issue Chibnall’s got planned for the Cybermen return? There’s bound to be one. 🙁

  • Button

    February 7th, 2020 - 3:49pm

    I think this is the first time that I feel a little unnerved by these new cybermen. It’s that The Invasion face that really gets me.

  • The Temporal Jelly Baby

    February 7th, 2020 - 3:47pm

    The new Cybermen look great – a nice hybrid of modern Cybermen and those from ‘The Invasion’. Given that it looks different to the rest, presumably the damaged and rusty Cyberman is the ‘lone Cyberman’ Jack warned about.

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