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November 22nd, 2019 4 comments

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Doctor Who Series 12 Promotional Image Space. For All

The BBC have released the first Doctor Who Series 12 Promotional Image – Space. For All.

According to reports from various news outlets the first story will be one of the “biggest in the shows history” and that series 12 is due to start on new years day.

A lot more information is expected on Doctor Who day, 23/11/2019.



  • The Ergon

    November 23rd, 2019 - 9:17am

    Trust them to be dropping the trailer this afternoon at 15:20PM. I,ve to take my two girls, who think Frozen 2 is more important. Something i shall have to endure for their sakes. I won,t beable to get back home quick enough. Talk about timing.

  • DoctorWho13

    November 22nd, 2019 - 3:45pm

    I can’t wait!!! The Space in Does Have A similarity to the Series 10 Box set though. #Space.ForAll

  • Anonymous

    November 22nd, 2019 - 2:59pm

    She just looks so cool! Can’t wait for the return of team tardis!

  • The Architect

    November 22nd, 2019 - 12:48pm

    I can’t wait!

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