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June 8th, 2012 35 comments

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Doctor Who Series 7 – Filming Continues

Doctor Who Series 7 – Filming Continues

Please note comments may contain spoilers

Filming continues on series 7 with the first official image of Matt Smith & Jenna-Louise Coleman on set released today.

Some other interesting pictures have emerged from filming today which dont give to much away – but if you dont want to know anything dont look!

With thanks to Timeboy

You can see many more images on



  • Silverhair

    August 18th, 2012 - 12:50am

    If this is true then there may be a bit of a catch up on the docs past adventures with the brigadier

  • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

    July 26th, 2012 - 9:35am

    Do the Ood eat some Food?
    Is there any Hath in a Bath?
    What about a Judoon playing a tune?!?!?!?!

    Made by GreenAnchorRedWaterfall XD

  • GreenAnchorRedWaterfall

    July 26th, 2012 - 9:33am

    Sounds like one of the new books!

  • booboo

    June 13th, 2012 - 5:10pm

    all this seems to have come from filming pics and overheard conversation

  • Doctor who fan 1057

    June 13th, 2012 - 4:44pm

    I went to cardiff last week and bumped into ******* ( my dad’s friend ) and he told me all aboot episode 4 of series 7 cubed. Here’s what he told me:
    Writer: Chris Chibnall
    Director: Douglas Mackinnon
    D.O.P.: Gavin Struthers
    Staring: Matt Smith (The Doctor), Karen Gillan (Amy Pond), Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams), Mark Williams (Brian Williams), Jemma Redgrave (Kate Stewart), Barnaby Edwards (Monk), Andy Jones ( Royal Mail Postman)

    Synopsis: The TARDIS Lands back on earth with a rather special alien – an Ood! Small black cubes that have a deadly bite – They cause illnesses in their victims. UNIT Are sent in to investigate what happens, The Doctor in pure disbelief sees someone he never thought he would – The Brigadier’s daughter, Kate Stewart. Not only does one of the faithful trio get infected, but little is known about these boxes. Without knowing about it they cannot hope to save the ‘Infected one’, their only hope lies with a little girl who knows more than she seems….

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