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October 4th, 2014 39 comments

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Mummy On The Orient Express Trailer

Saturday 11th October

The Doctor and Clara are on the most beautiful train in history, speeding among the stars of the future – but they are unaware that a deadly creature is stalking the passengers.

Once you see the horrifying Mummy you only have 66 seconds to live. No exceptions, no reprieve. As the Doctor races against the clock Clara sees him at his deadliest and most ruthless. Will he work out how to defeat the Mummy? Start the clock!



  • Dalekparadigm2

    October 10th, 2014 - 10:02pm

    Brrr. I’ve just watched the preview clip for tomorrow’s episode. I’ve got the shivers. I think the BBC’s ruling that the Mummy isn’t shown on the main trailer. It’s truly creepy. So very creepy. Very much looking forward to it. Could be the top episode of the series (beating Kill The Moon). Soooo spooky…

  • Anonymous

    October 10th, 2014 - 8:30pm

    the only bad one for me has been listen but liked all the others

  • Gallifrey Will Rise Again

    October 9th, 2014 - 12:12am

    Frank skinner lol. Remember him fondly when he used to do fantasy football with david baddiel. Would actually like to see him as a motd pundit replacing that black & white clown shearer (i’m a sunderland fan).

  • The Surgeon

    October 8th, 2014 - 7:05pm

    Why does the clock start on 62?
    Looks like a great one. If it’s as good as Kill the Moon was I’ll be impressed.
    The first four episodes I thought were kind of… Just below average. Then Time Heist was brilliant, The Caretaker was abismal, and Kill the Moon was fantastic. I hope the episodes will got consistently better. I don’t want Capaldi’s first season to be remembered for being a bit rubbish. I think he’s brilliant, but most of the episodes so far haven’t suited him.

  • martin kelly

    October 8th, 2014 - 4:15pm

    clara IS in this episode, as it says in the radio times, clara sees the doctor at his most deadliest and decides to stop travelling with him. her name is also on the cast list.

  • Harold Saxon

    October 8th, 2014 - 12:15pm

    This should be really good episode plus singer Foxes Appears in it,good eh,anyone like her?

  • Doctordredd67

    October 7th, 2014 - 7:15pm

    I agree. The squeeling tune is unbearable. Please change it before my ears start bleeding!!!!!!

  • Cyber10Dalek

    October 6th, 2014 - 6:16pm

    I love how the guy doing the electronic voice with the thumbs up symbol is speaking calmly and even says “Isn’t this exciting?” when the Mummy is attacking and being shot at! LOL!

    P.S: Anyone have any thoughts on wat the Mummy might be?

  • daleksean

    October 6th, 2014 - 5:44pm

    This episode has to be good it looks it I hope it wont be a let down and rushed like the previous episodes

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