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September 25th, 2015 8 comments

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Under The Lake Saturday 3rd October 8.25pm to 9.10pm

When an Underwater Base comes under attack, the Doctor and Clara must save the frightened crew and defeat an impossible threat. But what is behind these terrifying events? And can they really be haunted by ghosts?

Writer: Toby Whithouse
Director: Daniel O’Hara
Producer: Derek Ritchie
Cast: Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman
Guest cast: Colin McFarlane, Sophie Stone, Zaqi Ismail, Morven Christie, Arsher Ali, Steven Robertson, Paul Kaye.



  • anon

    October 1st, 2015 - 6:03pm

    This two part story looks friggin terrifying! Especially the victorian era ghost. If the episodes look as good as the promo pics, this would have been a perfect episode for Halloween!

    Although, i am a bit miffed at why they have chosen a “singer” to be the scream of the Fisher King.

    I have listened to some of their songs and it is far from singing, its like listening to someone being murdered.

    And the way fans of the band shake their heads around will lead to only one thing, and that is a brain haemorrage!

  • GuyTheZygon

    September 30th, 2015 - 9:04pm

    May be mistaken, but could this be the LATEST ever terrestrial broadcast of a Dr Who episode?
    Do not remember one crossing the watershed before…

  • Clarice

    September 29th, 2015 - 7:41pm

    I’m really looking forward to this episode! From the promo it seems like it’ll be a make-your-palm sweat, unbeatable villain, thrilling episode similar to “Water on Mars.” I have high hopes for this season, and so far they haven’t disappointed!

  • doctor who’s no 1 fan

    September 29th, 2015 - 6:53pm

    fnaf vs dr. who(random)


    September 28th, 2015 - 4:10pm

    I read in the current DWM that one of the female actors is not only playing a character who is deaf, but actually is deaf in real life. I wonder if it was easy or hard to work with someone who is deaf, cos if your the one who can hear someone shout “ACTION !!” and the deaf person can’t, it must surely be difficult.

    I had also read they did a lot of sign language for this story too,

  • Miffo

    September 28th, 2015 - 11:28am

    Sounds like another super episode coming up =)

  • The Surgeon

    September 19th, 2015 - 10:44am

    The things from the trailer looked terrifying!

  • CJ

    September 18th, 2015 - 9:31pm

    This sounds good!

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