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April 29th, 2010 8 comments

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Enter the world of Doctor Who

Enter the world of Doctor Who

Brit Movie Tours, a unique film and TV locations sightseeing tour company that visits sites in London and throughout Britain, bringing them to life, has just launched the first ever Doctor Who Tour of Locations.


On this luxury mini coach day trip from London to Cardiff fans can get to watch episodes old and new on the bus as we travel to and from the Welsh capital. The tour will take fans to iconic locations from the series used since 2005 such as the church Donna disappears in from The Runaway Bride, The Torchwood Hub and see Bad Wolf graffiti. We’ll also visit the Doctor Who exhibition and take a walking tour around Cardiff Bay where many familiar sites can be seen from both Doctor Who and Torchwood.

Guests will have a chance to do a quiz on the bus and win a prize and discuss the adventures of the famous Time Lord.

Brit Movie Tours director, Lewis Swan explains, “one of the aims of the Doctor Who Tour is to take fans to places they know from the TV series and get a bit closer to the characters, both good and evil that they see each week.”

Visitors can find out more information about this tour as well as others on offer by visiting

So what are you waiting for? Tours, camera and action!



  • dandaines

    April 30th, 2010 - 8:48pm

    it sounds good, but its bare expensive, personsly.

  • YT

    April 30th, 2010 - 10:40am

    I have always wanted to go and see where things are filmed but wouldn’t have a clue where to start so this looks quite good

  • Sontaran Cyberman

    April 30th, 2010 - 12:23am

    This sounds like an exciting and interesting idea, though it’s not the first; well-known, now occasional set-reporter Scooty has been running a paid Tour for quite a long time now. It’ll be good to hear what this new, more professional Tour is like though!

  • Anonymous

    April 29th, 2010 - 11:41pm

    I’m into it. Now if only I lived in the UK… If I could do this tour though, I would want the Tim guy on the bus as my guide
    nice clean blog btw!

  • peter

    April 29th, 2010 - 4:41pm

    it sounds good its really cool dr who is the best

  • Peter

    April 29th, 2010 - 3:45pm

    This looks like fun, might do this as i would like to see all the places they mention

  • Claire

    April 29th, 2010 - 2:48pm

    This sound really cool 🙂

  • The Hub

    April 29th, 2010 - 11:36am

    This sounds good

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