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July 8th, 2013 18 comments

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Fans feature in Exhibition Marking 50 Years

Fans feature in new exhibition celebrating 50 years of Doctor Who

Request for memorabilia to include in major autumn exhibition at the National Media Museum in Bradford

Fans of Doctor Who are being asked to share stories and memorabilia to contribute to a major exhibition at the National Media Museum in Bradford, celebrating the 50th anniversary of one of Britain’s most popular television programmes.

The exhibition Fifty Years of Doctor Who Fans (National Media Museum, 12 November 2013 until 2 March 2014) will explore people’s devotion to Doctor Who – what the programme means to the fans, what makes a fan, and how they demonstrate their affection.

To help answer these questions the Museum is appealing to owners of Doctor Who collectibles and souvenirs, and people who have interesting stories relating to the programme, to get in touch by email at [email protected]


Exhibition curator Toni Booth said “Do you have a Doctor Who chess set? Ever knitted your own Dalek? Have you still got that Cyberman helmet in the attic? If so, these are exactly the kind of objects that might go towards creating this new exhibition.

“We would like to use examples of Doctor Who memorabilia from the past fifty years – both official merchandise and more personal homemade objects – the kind of things which show a fan’s love for the Doctor. We want to know why you have this object, when you got it, and your feelings towards Doctor Who then and now.

She added: “We would really appreciate as many fans as possible getting in touch to help shape this exhibition, which will be highlighting the people who watch the show.”

Organisers are collecting offers of contributions until the 9 August, before making a selection for the exhibition.

Anyone who would like to offer contributions or suggestions can provide details of their memorabilia to [email protected] by 9 August. The Museum asks that no objects are sent now as their inclusion in the exhibition, or their return, cannot be guaranteed at this stage.

Further details can be found at

Fifty Years of Doctor Who Fans runs at the National Media Museum from 12 November 2013 to 2 March 2014.



  • Derek Browell

    July 22nd, 2013 - 10:28pm

    The first two “Dalek” Annuals were given to me by Aunty Edith.I was 10/11 .I still have them…..

    and I had the first grey plastic Dalek….And Gold machanoid. In those days you were a real weirdo for wanting to watch Doctor Who…”Always dreaming about rockets”,said Dad , who mellowed a bit when men landed on the moon.
    Got the Leila medal and other bits from a charity auction…and discovered someone had accidentally thrown them out…My wife is forgiven !
    I loved all of the Doctors up to Tom , then lost interest in the series when it became silly and full of peeked caps… Didn’t like question marks on jumpers…even though Sylvester was good…. Enjoyed the quality of production of the Canadian film… Total convert to the new revival starting with Chris…. but I do have a life too…..

  • matparks08

    July 16th, 2013 - 6:13pm

    Just a note to anyone who expressed an interest to either e-mail me with the information/photos of items or to e-mail direct to the Museum – the deadline is only about 3 weeks away – any interesting, unique or brilliant items are needed for our exhibition. Thanks. matt

  • Mr Clever

    July 12th, 2013 - 10:23pm

    The Panel from Dalek Invasion of earth

  • Anonymous

    July 12th, 2013 - 8:58pm

    What is on that daleks back

  • matparks08

    July 9th, 2013 - 2:00pm

    That’s brilliant – especially the tattoos! Best thing to do would send photos – you can either send them to the email address listed in the article or i’m collecting them personally too at [email protected] where everything will be put forward too. We’ll then get back to people to sort out how to transport the items to the museum (collected or posted, ect) photos we’ll just print out – and we’d need a story behind them all too – hope that helps and thanks for your interest

  • dalek1969

    July 9th, 2013 - 11:52am

    Hi Matt, i have a few items you might be interested in. My grandad made me a scratch built K9 (about 5″) back in the 70’s. My wedding cake was a 2ft dalek (sadly no longer exists but i have a couple of photos), and i have 2 dalek tattoos, a tv one on my leg and a movie version on my back. There may be a couple of other things but those are the ones that spring to mind!

  • matparks08

    July 9th, 2013 - 9:06am

    It’s things like that we want more of rather than just, for an example, having a full collection of series 1 figures….things that have that personal meaning. Other things would be whether anyone has any official props or replicas they may have made themselves, any Who fiction they may have written, or, obviously, anything that makes them stand out as a confirmed Whovian. I think the adipose would be great!

  • Kit

    July 9th, 2013 - 1:51am

    I’ve got a clay adipose (of all things) statue that’s about half a foot tall I made my self a few years ago that I in my own opinion of course though doubt anyone would probably agree was a really good likeness. Would you be interested in that at all or is that a bit rubbish?

  • matparks08

    July 8th, 2013 - 8:06pm

    sorry – it’s used the wrong name, i’m usually matparks08 not legendrulz05

  • legendrulz05

    July 8th, 2013 - 8:05pm

    I work exactly three feet away from that Dalek in TV Heaven – it’s a dream job 😉

  • legendrulz05

    July 8th, 2013 - 8:04pm

    Hi Booboo – you may remember a few weeks ago I mentioned if it was possible to advertise an exhibition my work was doing and you said you would once I got the information. Work has beaten me to it as this IS the exhibition I talked about. So basically if it’s okay with you, through here, I’d be willing to take any questions or queries from fans about what sort of things we’re looking for and whether any body would be interested in loaning their items for the exhibition. Matt


    July 8th, 2013 - 7:06pm

    Awesome I ve always dreamed about this

  • Stuart Mortimer

    July 8th, 2013 - 4:56pm

    will be a nice addition seeing as they already have a full size genesis dalek on show there!

  • booboo

    July 8th, 2013 - 4:21pm

    near Leeds


    July 8th, 2013 - 3:46pm

    Sorry, West Yorkshire, not Youkshire.

  • Dalek: the Supreme

    July 8th, 2013 - 3:42pm

    Sounds interesting! Where’s Bradford again?

  • Stan Stanmanson

    July 8th, 2013 - 12:23pm

    Seems cool. Could be quite Interesting 😀

  • Anonymous

    July 8th, 2013 - 12:21pm


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