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May 10th, 2010 11 comments

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Flesh and Stone Final Ratings

Flesh and Stone Final Ratings

Final viewing figures for Matt Smiths Fifth story, Flesh and Stone show that the story achieved a Total Rating of 8.5m viewers (Inc HD )

8.02 million viewers watched the episode on BBC1 whilst 0.476 million viewers used the BBC HD channel.

Total overnight figures were 6.9m so once again there is a significant time shift .

Totals so far…

The Eleventh Hour 10.08 million

The Beast Below 8.4 million

Victory of the Daleks 8.2 million

The Time of Angels 8.6 million

Flesh and Stone 8.5 million

Source: BARB



  • Rassilon’s Tomb

    June 2nd, 2010 - 11:26am

    ‘i loved this 2 parter’ said Drwhofan! but I lllllllllloved itmmmmore!

  • DrWhofan!

    June 1st, 2010 - 6:26pm

    I loved this 2 part episode! It was great my favourite enemies with my favourite ally, what more could I want! River is the best, and I’m glad she’s coming back for the finale! Hope she’s back next series.

  • someone

    May 10th, 2010 - 6:48pm

    those are good ratings, exceeding some of the previous new series ratings just hope it gets better, can’t wait for this week’s episode looks creepy, doctor who just gets scarier and scarier to match the new generation. i just loved the vampires of venice episode – fishes from space are more like vampires than twilight vampires, at least doctor who vampires bite the neck not give a love bite.

  • Martin

    May 6th, 2010 - 5:13am

    I’ve been a fan of Dr Who for years too from 1974 onwards, and I’ve watched the new series but….
    I really despise the new version of the theme tune the new daleks and amy pond and despite being rather good Matt Smith is just toooooo young to play the doctor!

    lol so I’m not too well this year!!

    glad some people still like it though

  • the doctor’s adventures

    May 3rd, 2010 - 1:51pm

    FLESH AND STONE was brilliant and VAMPIRES OF VENICE I cant wait to watch next weeks episode and I admit Britains Got Talent does get more ratings than Doctor Who but at least the ratings of DW are fine aswell.

  • king gerbil

    May 3rd, 2010 - 10:19am

    cant wait till the last episode bgt shouldnt get good ratings dw is way better

  • YT

    May 3rd, 2010 - 9:38am

    I think Britain’s got talent is always going to win but the Doctor Who ratings are fine.

  • someone

    May 3rd, 2010 - 7:36am

    i don’t see wants so great with britian’s got talent, doctor who was winning the top ratings every weak since 3rd April but now comes in second place most of time since britian’s got talent aired.

  • whoknows

    May 3rd, 2010 - 7:31am

    This was a great episode! Good baddies, a bit of mystery, and they didn’t reveal who River Song is! What else could you ask for?

  • Les Smith

    May 3rd, 2010 - 7:27am

    I’ve been a fan of Dr. Who for years, Jon Pertwee being my Doctor, I have watched all the new series, and have enjoyed them imensely.
    But I have to say the new Doctor Who and Amy Pond are absolutely brilliant,can’t wait for Saturdays.

    Thought the recent story with the angels of death was superb, and although I have heard and read some comments on the new dalek design, I think they are fantastic, the daleks have been with us for many years and the new design gives them an even more sense of intelligence,power and threat, these will certainly part of my collection when available.

    Thank you all at the Doctor Who team for providing restoration, excitement and fun to a wonderful series, which I hope is with us for many more years!!!!

    PS. Bring back the new Daleks soon and what about the Sea Devils as a thought.

  • A Ghost in N space

    May 2nd, 2010 - 8:50pm

    ratings seem to be holding up fine considering they keep messing with the time Its 6.00pm next week

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