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July 20th, 2009 20 comments

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Matt Smith The New Doctor

A new Doctor, a new companion, a new era


Production started today on the new series of Doctor Who in which BBC One viewers will meet the 11th Doctor and his companion for the very first time.

The latest incarnation of the iconic character is played by Matt Smith (Party Animals).

Upon arriving on set in Cardiff, for his first day of filming, Smith commented: “I feel very privileged and proud to be part of this iconic show.

“The scripts are brilliant and working alongside Karen, Steven and the rest of the crew is an inspiration because their work ethic and passion for the show is so admirable.

“I’m excited about the future and all the brilliant adventures I get to go on as the Doctor.”

Accompanying The Doctor on his further adventures in time is a new companion, Amy Pond, played by Scottish actress Karen Gillan (The Kevin Bishop Show), who will first meet The Doctor in episode one of the new series.

New show-runner and long-running Doctor Who fan Steven Moffat has developed this series and, as Lead Writer and Executive Producer, will be responsible for the overall creative direction of the show, as well as plot and character arcs.

Moffat’s previous episodes of Doctor Who, including the BAFTA-winning episode Blink, have garnered widespread acclaim from critics and fans alike.

He commented: “And here it is, the big moment the new Doctor, and his new best friend.

“And here’s me, with the job I wanted since I was seven. 40 years to here! If I could go back in time and tell that little boy that one day all this would happen, he’d scream, call for his mum, and I’d be talking to you now from a prison cell in 1969. So probably best not then.

“Matt and Karen are going to be incredible, and Doctor Who is going to come alive on Saturday nights in a whole new way and best of all, somewhere out there, a seven-year-old is going to see them, fall in love, and start making a 40-year plan…”

Piers Wenger, Executive Producer and Head of Drama, BBC Wales, added: “The scripts for the new series are every bit as funny, thrilling, scary and imaginative as you’d expect from the man who brought us The Empty Child and Blink.

“There’s a strange and perfect alchemy between Steven and Matt Smith and the next few months are going to be riveting as that relationship starts to emerge on screen.

“Steven always says he’s been waiting to do this job since he was seven. But it’s actually the Doctor who has been waiting for him.”

The new series follows three Doctor Who specials starring David Tennant which will transmit later this year.

Ben Stephenson, Controller, BBC Drama Commissioning, says: “I am thrilled that a whole new generation of children will forever say that their Doctor was the wonderful Matt Smith.”

The series was co-commissioned by Ben Stephenson and Jay Hunt, Controller, BBC One, and will be produced by Tracie Simpson (Doctor Who) and Peter Bennett (Torchwood).

Steven Moffat is Lead Writer and Executive Producer (Jekyll) with Piers Wenger and Beth Willis (Ashes To Ashes) also Executive Producing.

Filming is taking place in Cardiff until March 2010. Thirteen x 45-minute drama produced by BBC Wales for BBC One.



  • Anonymous

    October 31st, 2018 - 4:48pm

    ZygonVisuals, The Doctor Regenerated into someone who did. It’s always good to make an incarnation different, just sometimes it doesn’t work too well

  • D0CT0R WH0

    April 8th, 2017 - 10:32am

    It did.

  • Anonymous

    November 9th, 2013 - 7:52pm

    McCoy is not the worst octor!

  • ZygonVisuals

    November 9th, 2013 - 7:34pm

    11: Sylvester McCoy (VERY BAD)
    10: Peter Davison (Good But Not My Type)
    9: Christopher Eccleston (Meh)
    7:Patrick Troughton (Boring)
    6: William Hartnell (THE FIRST)
    5: Colin Baker (Good but not written well)
    4: Matt Smith (Good)
    3: Tom Baker (AMAZING)
    2: David Tennant (Best But Not Superior)
    1: Paul McGann (I LOVED THE MOVIE!!!)

  • Scott’s TARDIS

    September 27th, 2013 - 3:38pm

    It’s not really something official if you’ve watched a TV programme…..

  • Chris

    November 15th, 2012 - 11:39pm

    Actually it’s SEASON 33 and series 7

  • John Smith

    October 3rd, 2012 - 2:53am

    1. Matt Smith (and not because he’s the most recent).
    2. David Tennant.
    3. Tom Baker.
    4. Patrick Troughton.
    5. Jon Pertwee.
    6. Peter Davison.
    7. Christopher Eccleston.
    8. Colin Baker (I believe that he would of been a much better Doctor if his stories and clothing weren’t so outlandish and crazy!)
    9. Paul McGann.
    10. William Hartnell.
    11. Sylvester McCoy (just because that even though his Doctor was alienish he just didn’t feel right for the role from my point of view).

  • John Smith

    October 3rd, 2012 - 2:47am

    David Tennant had his run. Matt Smith is a great Doctor and I get annoyed whenever someone says “Oh yeah, bring David back!”


  • jon sadler

    April 25th, 2012 - 3:32pm

    the best doctors are david, jon pertwee and peter davison bring back david

  • georgia-doctor

    April 25th, 2012 - 4:56am

    All are the best in my eyes (except maybe colin baker, never really liked him)

  • georgia-doctor

    April 25th, 2012 - 4:55am

    actually it’s series 33

  • Dalek of Doom

    April 11th, 2012 - 11:12am


  • Dalek of Doom

    April 11th, 2012 - 11:11am


    11th COLIN BAKER

  • thedw11

    February 15th, 2012 - 4:57pm

    my is

    11 8th (Paul McGann) BAD
    10 6th (Colin Baker) BAD
    9 7th (Sylvester McCoy) NOT KEEN ON
    8 9th (Christopher Eccleston) GOOD
    7 4th (Tom Baker) GOOD
    6 5th (Peter Davison) GOOD
    5 10th (David Tennant) ONE OF THE BEST
    4 1st (William Hartnell) ONE OF THE BEST
    3 2nd (Patrick Troughton) ONE OF THE BEST
    2 3ed (Jon Pertwee) BEST CLASIC
    1 11th (matt smith) THE BEST

  • dw2005

    November 19th, 2011 - 8:36pm

    This is my order:
    1. Christopher Eccleston
    2. David Tennant
    3. Tom Baker
    4. Matt Smith
    5. Sylvester McCoy
    6. Peter Davison
    7. Jon Pertwee
    8. Colin Baker
    9. Patrick Troughton
    10. Paul McGann
    11. William Hartnell

  • aarondrwhofan64

    November 19th, 2011 - 8:22pm

    my fav drs
    11.Paul McGann
    10.William Hartnell
    9.Colin Baker
    8.Patrick Troughton
    7.Sylvester McCoy
    6.Christopher Eccleston
    5.Tom Baker
    4.Jon Pertwee
    3.Peter Davison
    2.Matt Smith
    1.David Tennant!

  • Totty

    February 22nd, 2011 - 3:01pm

    This is old.
    Series 5 had been!!!!

  • “…My name is….the Master!” “I don’t want to go!” “Geronimo!” “D’OH!” No silly, it is meant to be dr who, not the simpsons’s d’oh catchphrase.

    June 20th, 2010 - 2:05pm

    cool! Sounds fantastic!

  • Weep123

    May 11th, 2010 - 2:47am

    I’ve officialy seen 6 of the new episodes and i love them all

  • aislinn

    September 3rd, 2009 - 3:52pm

    hi im aislinn im thrlid that you found someone to play the new doctor say hi to david for me thanks/big fa but still cant belive david is leaving

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