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January 22nd, 2014 62 comments

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Doctor Who Wins Best Drama at NTA’s

Doctor Who Wins Best Drama at NTA’s

Doctor Who has won Best Drama at at this years national television awards, Earlier Matt Smith won the best Drama performance award.



  • Anonymous

    February 18th, 2014 - 9:07pm

    I ment name of the doctor at the beginning

  • Anonymous

    February 16th, 2014 - 6:13pm

    Night of the doctor was fantastic because it featured classic doctors and Clara and the great intelligence interacting with them. Night of the doctor was brilliant because it featured the 8th doctor. Day of the doctor was an ok story however it lacked proper appearances from classic doctors. I mean instead if the war doctor why not bring back the 8th doctor. In day of the doctor classic doctors only appeared via stock footage on those blue telly screens in the gallifrey war room. Yes there’s that dream sequence at the end but still it would have been nice if the current doctors did interact with classic doctors

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