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May 8th, 2022 26 comments

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Ncuti Gatwa is The Doctor

From the official site

The BBC has today announced Ncuti Gatwa is the new Doctor set to take charge of the TARDIS.

Star of stage and screen, Ncuti is best known for his critically acclaimed performance in Sex Education as the iconic Eric Effiong, for which he was awarded Best Actor Award at the Scottish BAFTA’s in 2020 as well as numerous nominations including Best Male Performance in a comedy programme at this year’s BAFTA’s.
Ncuti Gatwa

Speaking of his new role, Ncuti said: “There aren’t quite the words to describe how I’m feeling. A mix of deeply honoured, beyond excited and of course a little bit scared. This role and show means so much to so many around the world, including myself, and each one of my incredibly talented predecessors has handled that unique responsibility and privilege with the utmost care. I will endeavour my upmost to do the same. Russell T Davies is almost as iconic as the Doctor himself and being able to work with him is a dream come true. His writing is dynamic, exciting, incredibly intelligent and fizzing with danger. An actor’s metaphorical playground. The entire team have been so welcoming and truly give their hearts to the show. And so as much as it’s daunting, I’m aware I’m joining a really supportive family. Unlike the Doctor, I may only have one heart but I am giving it all to this show.”

Russell T Davies, Showrunner adds: “The future is here and it’s Ncuti! Sometimes talent walks through the door and it’s so bright and bold and brilliant, I just stand back in awe and thank my lucky stars. Ncuti dazzled us, seized hold of the Doctor and owned those TARDIS keys in seconds. It’s an honour to work with him, and a hoot, I can’t wait to get started. I’m sure you’re dying to know more, but we’re rationing ourselves for now, with the wonderful Jodie’s epic finale yet to come. But I promise you, 2023 will be spectacular!”

Charlotte Moore, Chief Content Officer said: “Ncuti has an incredible dynamism, he’s a striking and fearless young actor whose talent and energy will set the world alight and take Doctor Who on extraordinary adventures under Russell T Davies’ new era.”



  • Pabs

    November 1st, 2022 - 5:20pm

    If the scripts are bad then the director and cast have nothing to work with.

    The directors need to speak up and say this does not work

  • L Smith

    October 25th, 2022 - 7:33pm

    I am looking forward to the new Tennant episodes. As to whoever the new guy is, I’ve never heard of him and I don’t particularly care who he is. The last series’ were so politically correct I just cringed every week and I can’t see any changes coming anytime soon.

  • Coleman

    October 24th, 2022 - 7:51pm

    I think 14 will be outstanding, especially since it is David Tennant.

  • Fiona ting

    October 20th, 2022 - 4:11pm

    I hope he is better than Jodie Whittaker has new doctor for the future for all
    the doctor who fans

  • The Moffat Paradox

    July 27th, 2022 - 11:23pm

    Coming to the conclusion that the Russell T Davis who will return to the series is not the same one who presided over it in 2005 with such aplomb. Why? because he seems determined to go off on leftist invective rants as in his speech at the Sky Arts Awards.

    If he can’t keep this creatively enough in check so that it becomes too obvious in his writing for Doctor Who and puts good storytelling and dramatic stakes out of focus, which I think is what made the great bulk of people fans of this in the first place, then I think this threatens to make the Chibnall era seem like a golden age in comparison.

    Even Steven Moffat said the series is supposed to be made for young and old, Labour and Tory , Leave and Remain.

    If Davis doesn’t show evidence of actually acknowledging that in his day job then the irony might be that this would be die hard defender of the licence fee might become one of the best advertisements for its abolition and Sony won’t be pleased of their partnership with the BBC turns sour because of viewer reaction to this outside of those who will just watch anything with “Doctor Who” in the title.

  • Erin

    July 26th, 2022 - 7:25pm

    This is wonderful! He’s quircky & fun! I’m so excited. I had hoped that the woman who died at the beginning of Jodi/13th would be the next Doctor. Maybe I can keep my fingers crossed that we will finally see the tree people return. I so wish someone had developed those characters.

  • Phil

    May 24th, 2022 - 3:16am

    After learning about newer castings , I’ll try back in again with the 15th Doctor, until then, you all enjoy the next 5 years:) … I really miss the classic eras.

  • Phillip

    May 13th, 2022 - 2:14am

    If it’s my mad man in a box traveling through time righting wrongs and protecting the innocent while looking to have an adventurous ol time with companions and friends then I’m in!!! If it’s anything like 13 then I’m out again… until the 15th doctor 🙂 … heres hoping 14 is outstanding:)

  • NickD

    May 9th, 2022 - 11:14pm

    Absolutely fantastic, I feel he’ll bring a much younger vibe to the role and an energy that Jodie just did not have sadly through the writing.

  • Doc3Pertwee

    May 9th, 2022 - 9:39pm

    This year has been the most beautiful mirror to the qualities of what makes Doctor Who the most brilliant show. There is sadness for Jodie and her team’s departure, reunions with friends and foes alike and so much joy and diversity with Ncuti’s announcement as 14. Sheer bliss! This show is for everyone and I’m so pleased that it is one of the most inclusive shows on TV where anyone can feel seen and represented. Everything: past, present and future that Doctor Who has to offer is brilliant in my eyes.

  • Trenzalore

    May 9th, 2022 - 1:05pm

    Really happy with this news, at the end of the day his character on sex education is a role, he is an actor and I don’t think it’s gonna reflect his dr. I watched some of his interviews and their is definitely a confidence and gravitas that I think makes him right for the role. I liked how he said he was gonna put his whole heart into the show and I hope he enjoys the experience. Either way I totally trust rtd, he knows what he’s doing, he’s done it a million times casting people for his shows and he usually gets it’s right. I’m excited to see where rtd will take the show and there are lots of possibilities that I think Ncuti is perfect for. It’s good for the show as well, even down to how his announcement has been made shows how well rtd knows his stuff, announcing it right before the BAFTAs which they then attended together, meant that people were talking about it the whole day. Plus Ncuti will bring a fresh audience base and, unlike chibnall, rtd will be able to keep hold of them

  • Max Kennedy

    May 8th, 2022 - 10:33pm

    He seems cool! I’m generally excited and optimistic to see what his take on the Doctor is like. His Doctors Outfit and how he’s written by the King himself Russell T. Davies!

    Very happen for him and wish him the best of luck on his Adventures in his TARDIS!

  • Doctor Stu

    May 8th, 2022 - 9:40pm

    He’s really good in sex education but for me this is the case of good actor wrong role again like Jodie. Brilliant in broadchurch, not very good in Doctor who. Brilliant in sex Ed but can’t see his whole camp vibe working at all for the Doctor, not to mention he looks like a teenager (I know he’s not) but he doesn’t exude any authority or menace like the Doctor should. Hopefully I’ll get proved wrong but….meh. Lost a bit of enthusiasm really. Seems like stunt casting trying to ride the wave of the last series of sex education which will be airing around the same time as the 60th build up and which is extremely popular on Netflix. One of the most highly watched shows on there

  • Jim

    May 8th, 2022 - 9:37pm

    Hmm. Well, so much for Richard Ayoade, my top choice forever…alas. I figured it would be a black guy this time around. But I worry that RTD coming back needed to make a big splash with a big time actor to win back the people who deserted the show in recent years. As.far as I can tell, the biggest chunks of those are the young and female audiences who found Tennant and Smith cute…and the old school fans turned off by the increasing Wokeness of the show in recent years. I thought RTD could see that and fix that. This guy…I don’t think fits the bill. Knowing nothing about him until today , all I see is the “yay. Hot gay black doctor !” reactions on Twitter now.

    So… I hope for the best and maybe he will be cool and fun. But… I worry he’s not going to get those groups of fans back. And ratings will continue to fall.

    Of course, saying all this isn’t racist or homophobic, but rather a reaction to all the hype that will appear, all of which is off-putting to the people who don’t want all the identity politics in the show.

    So,hope I’m wrong…but am very worried.

  • Jamie

    May 8th, 2022 - 6:08pm


  • Pats86

    May 8th, 2022 - 5:52pm

    I wish him all the very best, no idea who he is but I care not a jot.
    Jodie and Chibnall leaving has to bring Doctor Who back to the show we all love and not the current trash.
    One more episode and we can smile again

  • Haza14

    May 8th, 2022 - 5:43pm

    Interesting choice! I did half expect a black actor, but not Ncuti! I’ve seen him in Sex Education and it is clear he’s a brilliant young actor. The 3 leads in that show are all marvellous, probably the best up and coming actors in the UK. I trust Russell to make the right choice, and at the end of the day all you need is a great leading actor. He’s a big personality, he’s young, he’s relatively unknown, but he is very talented. Potentially a brilliant Doctor! Not an obvious choice, but I am excited and wish him all the best!

  • The Moffat Paradox

    May 8th, 2022 - 5:12pm

    Well he’s a man which is WHAT the Doctor IMO should ALWAS have been.

    Can’t claim to have seen him anything before but then that was the case I also had with Tennant and Smith.

    As for his ethnicity; for this role I couldn’t care less.Nobody kept dwelling on the fact that Captain Benjamin Sisko played by capable actor Avery Brooks in “Star Trek Deep Space Nine” was black.They were more wrapped up in the story and I’m sure that Ncuti Gatwa will prove himself just as worthy of his new role.

  • RPG74

    May 8th, 2022 - 4:58pm

    Yes this is another box for the virtue signallers to tick off, but he seems like a solid choice acting wise, and with any luck he can transcend the politics and really smash it as Fourteen. I wish him the best. And, on another bright note, at least it isn’t David Tennant again. That would have been utterly disastrous.

  • Gordon

    May 8th, 2022 - 3:44pm

    He was great in sex education. I welcome him with open arms

  • the ergon

    May 8th, 2022 - 3:23pm

    Being a practically unknown never did matt Smith any harm. I was expecting a black actor. perhaps they felt with Russell coming back on board that they didn,t want to risk casting another woman, at least not until the series has gained a good reputation again and more importantly for some, good ratings. I wish N,cuti all the best and hope he makes an immediate impression. Maybe next time then Lydia.

  • Andy R

    May 8th, 2022 - 3:03pm

    Just heard this on the radio… no big build up this time then… bells or whistles.

  • Best Wishes to the ‘New’ Doctor

    May 8th, 2022 - 2:00pm

    Never seen the actor in anything but he’s won awards, and is up for a Bafta award tonight too. I wish Ncuti Gatwa all the best. The 14th Doctor. Welcome to the Tardis. I trust R.T.D and Bad Wolf to make this show great again.

  • Old Master

    May 8th, 2022 - 1:54pm

    Looks like a solid choice. A good actor who can hopefully steer the ship back on course. Jodie is a fantastic talent let down by poor stories and duff directing. Hoping that RTD maintains his form and allows Ncuti to put his stamp on the role. Bring it on!

  • Prof Horner

    May 8th, 2022 - 1:47pm

    I have felt for a long time that the series has become a tired format. That’s why I welcomed Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor. To try something new. If it worked it is open to debate. The trick is if RTD can bring something new to the format to reinvigorate the series , all that is needed is The Doctor and the TARDIS in the shape of a Police Box. Everything else is open. Well I don’t know this actor, I wish him well. Maybe I would have hoped for an older actor, I always hoped we would have got Colin Salmon as The Doctor, but hay ho. No doubt some sad people will scream woke or some such nonsense. But never mind let’s hope for some exciting times ahead.

  • TimelordTim

    May 8th, 2022 - 1:31pm

    I’ve never seen him in anything, but I like that, going into the new era I will have no expectations as to his characterisation. Will be great to see how he does. Looking forward to any companion announcement(s) given time as well. Best of luck to the whole team, and hoping for yet more great Who!

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