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March 15th, 2010 11 comments

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Radio Times Steven Moffat Interview

Steven Moffat interview in this weeks Radio Times

This weeks Radio Times, which goes on sale today, includes and interview with Doctor Who’s new showrunner Steven Moffat.

Steven Moffat is Doctor Who’s new “showrunner” – the flashy American term, adopted over here, to describe a visionary writer/producer/TV seer who is charged with the creative evolution of a big series.

So what grand monsters (and tiny terrors) can we look forward to this series? Moffat doesn’t want to give too much away, but the new Doctor, Matt Smith, and his companion Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) are inevitably up against foes old and new, with a star-dusting of special guest-scarers, including Helen McCrory as “a sexy scary vampire-woman and Sophie Okonedo…” here Moffat pauses. As what? “I couldn’t possibly say. But she was in the trailer for the new series, and nobody noticed!”

In addition William Gallagher has added a blog entry on the Radio Times website which you can see Here

Steven Moffat: “Can we redesign the Daleks?”

Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat tells Radio Times he’s thought about changing the Daleks and even the Tardis, but the fans – and he is one – are safe.

You can also see the latest promo images in the Radio Times gallery Here




  • booboo

    March 17th, 2010 - 5:38pm

    We have already seen from the Trailer there is a “new Look” Dalek but there’s more than just that……….

  • the 1st doctor

    March 17th, 2010 - 4:25pm

    yes read the the article

  • master of disguise

    March 17th, 2010 - 3:43pm

    Are they redesigning the daleks?

  • T.D.

    March 16th, 2010 - 5:12pm

    I think Amy is going to be great, i hope she speaks Scottish but i think ledworth sounds like an English Village

  • the 1st doctor

    March 16th, 2010 - 5:08pm

    This is not likely but I hope the first or one of the episodes is set in Scotland

  • the 1st doctor

    March 16th, 2010 - 5:03pm

    She did sound Scottish in the trailer

  • booboo

    March 16th, 2010 - 4:08pm

    I am sure she will be speaking on Scottish

  • the 1st doctor

    March 16th, 2010 - 4:05pm

    I wonder if Amys going to be Scottish
    (I know Karens scottish b ut Amy..)

  • the 1st doctor

    March 16th, 2010 - 3:15pm

    I’am glad they redesigned the daleks, I don’t like gold. I like the black and silver like davro’s new designed chair.

  • the 1st doctor

    March 16th, 2010 - 3:12pm


  • Tardis Times

    March 16th, 2010 - 9:03am

    Should be a good read

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