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March 29th, 2010 20 comments

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Radio Times Unveils The New Tardis

Radio Times unveils inside of the new Tardis

The new issue of Radio Times is out Today and gives an exclusive glimpse into the new Tardis, in a special pull-out gatefold cover – buy Radio Times to see the full cover picture that reveals the inside of the new Tardis.


The Radio Times website also has the pull-out gatefold image ( in spoiler tag ) and several stunning interior pictures.


Tardis 1

Images copyright Radio Times

You can see the original images and many more on the Radio Times website Here

From The Radio Times…

Matt Smith is the 27-year-old actor to scoop the title role in the new series of Doctor Who. A graduate of the University of East Anglia, where he studied drama and creative writing, Smith has his own way of accessing this enigmatic character. “I was thinking, ‘Who in the world has a brain and a silliness which is close to the Doctor?’ and then I saw that photograph of Albert Einstein poking his tongue out and it just clicked. I found this book of quotes by Einstein – which I recommend as a life choice, he was such an insightful man – and I started writing short stories about Einstein and the Doctor, where the Doctor was getting irritated with the great man’s buffoonery. He’d be saying, ‘Come on, Albert, keep up!’ and I think that, more than anything, was my way in to the part.”

Karen Gillan is the girl who grabbed the role every actress would die for: the companion to the eleventh Doctor. Fans camped outside the Doctor Who set are a reminder of the show’s unique place in British culture. “I was never really into science fiction when I was growing up,” she says, “though my mum was a big Doctor Who fan. Now I’ve turned into a real sci-fi geek. Once you get sucked into that world, it has its own logic and laws, which is why I think people are so passionate about it.”

TV & Satellite Week and Total TV guide covers, both have extensive articles on the new series


Extract From TV & Satellite Week…

TV & Satellite Week was given a behind-the-scenes tour of the new, darker blue Tardis, I and it certainly won’t disappoint. Almost I three times bigger than the last police box,it is split-level with several staircases leading to mysterious rooms, while the central console ‘ contains gadgets galore, from a gramophone speaker to a typewriter. The Tardis rebuilds itself in the first episode because it was damaged when David Tennant regenerated,’ explains Steven Moffat.’

Extract From Total TV guide…

New Doctor, new series – new man in charge. Freshly minted head honcho Steven Moffat reveals his take on Who…

“I see Doctor Who as a fairy tale. And by a fairy tale, I don’t mean something sweet and nice and kind and funny. I mean something scary
and terrifying. Fairy tales are the means by which we tell our children the world is dangerous. And, yes, I know Matt Smith looks like he’s the youngest Doctor ever, but in the show it’s not an issue. It really isn’t. He’s an imperious, up-himself Time Lord. When you see him bossing Winston Churchill about in an upcoming episode, he seems like Churchill’s dad!”



  • The Pandorica

    December 2nd, 2010 - 8:16pm

    There is a Billie Piper/Karen Gillan hybrid on the front of TV and Satelite week.

  • bow ties are cool

    December 2nd, 2010 - 7:34pm

    why does karens hair look blonde

  • the 1st doctor

    April 1st, 2010 - 10:51am

    This issue comferms episode 7 to be named ‘Amys Choice’ too.

    Its been 5 years since Amy travelled with the Doctor in the Tardis and he shows up again on the night of Amy’s first baby danger is not far behind leaving Amy with the most Heartbreaking choice.

  • The Doctor

    March 31st, 2010 - 4:26pm

    The tardis looks gr8, can’t wait for the series

  • The Sea Devil

    March 30th, 2010 - 4:03pm

    I have heard Library and swimming pool mentioned but that could be from previous ones, wouldn’t it be great if there was a second console like the Tom baker one we know nothing about.

  • booboo

    March 30th, 2010 - 3:58pm

    I thought they might keep it for the episode as well, having said that i think there may be a more of the Tardis we haven’t seen yet

  • pc

    March 30th, 2010 - 3:55pm

    New tardis looks fantastic and i am a bit suprised the BBC has decided to release the pictures of what is coming before the show airs? didn’t they get photos of the interior pulled off the internet some months ago to keep it secret?

  • mary

    March 30th, 2010 - 3:24pm

    ilove the new tardis

  • time agent 101

    March 30th, 2010 - 2:19pm


  • eglanhine bimfo

    March 30th, 2010 - 11:53am

    i dont like the new tardis as much as the old one but it is still amazing and cool

  • WHO 1

    March 30th, 2010 - 9:54am

    The inside of the Tardis looks huge , really like it and i wonder what rooms it has

  • the 1st doctor

    March 30th, 2010 - 9:19am

    This issue comferms episode 7 to be named ‘Amys Choice’ too. Apparently Its about Amy being Pregnant

  • the 1st doctor

    March 30th, 2010 - 9:15am

    The stairs go all over the place maybe we will see new rooms beside the console + wardrobe rooms!

  • davros

    March 30th, 2010 - 9:11am

    i love that tardis, i like that you can go underneath the console and its got stairs init

  • Donald

    March 30th, 2010 - 8:17am

    Love the new interior, looks a bit of a mish mash from other Tardises

    just surprised they have released the image as i thought they would want to keep it a surprise for the episode

  • dalekship 101

    March 30th, 2010 - 8:04am

    love the new tardis !


    March 30th, 2010 - 7:45am


  • TC

    March 30th, 2010 - 3:46am

    The new interior looks brilliant. Nice and shiny, but still with that odd thrown-together took they’ve had since the series started up again.

  • Time Squad

    March 30th, 2010 - 12:03am

    Great cover and love the new interior

  • dr what

    March 29th, 2010 - 11:58pm

    it looks like the best interior yet

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