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August 19th, 2009 17 comments

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Russell T Davies plans the future of Torchwood

Torchwood creator Russell T Davies has the future of the hit Doctor Who spin-off all planned out, he has told the new issue of Torchwood Magazine.

“I could write you scene one of series four right now”, says Davies in a revealing interview with Torchwood Magazine. “I know exactly how to pick it up. I’ve got a shape in mind, and I’ve got stories. I know where you’d find Gwen and Rhys, and their baby, and Jack, and I know how you’d go forward with a new form of Torchwood.”

The news will come as a tonic to fans of the show, which enjoyed runaway
success in the ratings when the latest series Children of Earth screened
over five nights in July this year. The dramatic finale and the death of
much-loved team member Ianto Jones had fans fearing the worst for the future
of the show, but Davies’ positive comments will re-ignite hopes that
Torchwood will once again return to television screens.

Davies is also confident of writing another compelling series of Torchwood,
regardless of the format the BBC decides to choose for the show.

“If the BBC asked for another 13 one-part stories, that’s what we’d do”,
Davies goes on to explain to Torchwood Magazine. “I’m ready for anything,
but I think it works well as one continuous story. But if the BBC decide
they want 13 one-offs, I’ll suddenly decide that’s the best format in the

The prolific writer, widely credited with sparking the recent revival of
parent show Doctor Who, goes on to talk candidly about the origins of
Torchwood, and why he thinks the timing was all important for the success of
the show.

“It’s been a very intelligent decision to make hay while the sun shines”, he
says. “Look at the recession that’s sweeping in now. If I’d tried to get
Torchwood off the ground now, they would say there’s no money for it. So
while we had one very successful show, we made a strategic decision to push
our advantage. Julie [Gardner, then Head of Drama at BBC Wales] passionately
wanted a big, strong Welsh drama department ­ but one show is not a drama
department, You’ve got to have more, so we did it while those doors were
open to us.”

After Davies’ incredible successes on British shores, where he has also
penned the acclaimed drama serials Queer as Folk and The Second Coming, the
writer is looking forward to his next challenge across the Atlantic.

Davies tells Torchwood Magazine he believes his trade is taken much more
seriously in the USA than it is at home in the UK:

“The attitudes towards drama there are very different, and their outlook is
more professional in terms of how they approach the job. I heard this
brilliant quote from [acclaimed British screenwriter] Frank Cottrell Boyce
recently, where he said that British writers are essentially amateur and
they want to go home or go to the pub, but in America they can¹t wait to go
in to the office.”

Russell T Davies interview appears in Torchwood Magazine Issue 17

On sale in the UK – 20 Aug 2009
On sale in the US – Sept 15 2009



  • The Doctor

    May 14th, 2023 - 3:29pm

    Fantastic idea!

  • sausageroll

    December 6th, 2010 - 4:37pm

    i agree with cheese it should be lois, gwen, jack, mickey, and martha, but who are you refering to as random guy???

  • jeanie

    March 7th, 2010 - 7:07pm

    I really like TORCHWOOD. It was a really great series and so different from the usual Sci-Fi programs. I would like to know for definite if it is going to continue or not. There is no reason why Captain Jack can’t come back and make a new base and a new team there are plenty of carracters left from the series that could make up a great team.

  • namai

    November 2nd, 2009 - 4:12pm

    series 4 has got to happen!! If a new team is needed fine, but i love torchwood. I think it should be a 13 part, because 5 days is just too fast.

  • cheese

    October 29th, 2009 - 4:16am

    i think it should be a 13 part series the 5 part was to short i miss having 13 weeks of instead of 5 days. the new team should be jack,gwuen,lois habeba(she was so funny in children of earth),martha and mickey that would be great!!! with reese and the random guy in there somwhere 2!

  • jim the thal

    October 14th, 2009 - 2:18pm

    Why not introduce Micky as the computer expert and bring back martha too?

  • jayne halling

    October 13th, 2009 - 12:16am

    i think they should bring back the whole cast even if its for a one off, i loved the whole cast they brought kinda magic to the show

  • 1

    October 7th, 2009 - 8:45pm

    I think they said though in a previous series no team member lives past 30 or something like that anyway, but in doctor who ever so often the doctor regenerates so why can’t in torchwood ever so often the staff changes


  • 1

    October 7th, 2009 - 8:43pm

    I think they said though in a previous series no team lives past 30 or something like that anyway, but in doctor who ever so often the doctor regenerates so why can’t in torchwood ever so often the staff changes

  • Doctor what

    October 7th, 2009 - 5:31pm

    I cant wait to se what Russel has in store this year, but we need some two parters, or mabye one with the doctor in it!

  • sarah

    September 4th, 2009 - 1:38am

    great news, as an avid fan of torchwood i personal cant wait to see how R.T will pickup from such an amazing story, however i do think it very sad that so many of the origanl cast of torchwood have been killed off. However as a person who always looks forward to a challenge i cant wait to see ho russell picks this one up an runs with it. I think he gets better with every series he writes!!!!!

  • Aj

    August 27th, 2009 - 10:58pm

    It’s pointless bringing it back, R.T. Davis needs to wake up and realise that because of Ianto loads of fans will not watch it! They will just fail in bringing back a dead drama which was one of the best things the BBC have made so far.

  • Doug

    August 24th, 2009 - 12:32pm

    the children of Earth episodes were spectacular, but I’d much prefer a full sereies, because with COE it was over right after it had started.

  • doctorwhomad

    August 20th, 2009 - 11:19pm

    I would love a series 4. I not sure how they could do it but… I think they should have a new team as well. Jack, Gwen, Rhys, PC Andy Davidson and that would please me.

  • who’swho95

    August 20th, 2009 - 11:19pm

    OMG!!!i knew there would be a series 4

  • 1

    August 20th, 2009 - 11:19pm

    i think they should bring it back but not just one offs in the series maybe having some two parts in it as well

  • davros

    August 20th, 2009 - 11:18pm

    i want a sereies 4 even though i just got 2 watch children of earth lol im only 11

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