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May 13th, 2017 49 comments

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Series 10 Episode 6 Extremis 7.25pm Saturday 20th May

Extremis. Written by Steven Moffat and directed by Daniel Nettheim.

In the Haereticum – the Vatican’s secret library of blasphemy – there is an ancient book known only as The Veritas.

Throughout history, anyone who has ever read it has immediately taken their own life.

Now a new translation is online, and the danger is spreading. The Vatican appeals to the Doctor. Will he read The Veritas? But can even the Doctor survive the ultimate truth?

The Doctor is played by Peter Capaldi, Bill by Pearl Mackie and Nardole by Matt Lucas. Michelle Gomez guest stars as Missy.



  • Tim M

    May 20th, 2017 - 3:52pm

    It will be great to see Missy again in tonight’s episode. In my opinion, Gomez has been the best Master since Delgado. It’s a shame she will be leaving at the end of this series.

  • 100,000BC

    May 20th, 2017 - 3:26pm

    The clip the BBC released looks like a flashback to me because:
    1) He doesn’t appear to be blind. He could just be very good at pretending though. He is the Doctor after all.
    2) The mention of Darillium from Missy suggests that this takes place not long after Husbands/Doctor Mysterio. Unless the Doctor has been very quiet during his 50+ years at the University. Or he’s travelled back on his time stream.
    3) *POTENTIAL SPOILERS* Most clues from previous episodes and previews suggest that Missy is in the vault, rather than on some random planet where the Doctor isn’t expecting to find her. It might not be her in the vault though.

  • The Outcast

    May 20th, 2017 - 10:25am

    No, judging from the clip they released recently its probably going to be (MASSIVE SPOILERS YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED) a scene where Missy is put in the Vault.

  • 12th Doctor Fan

    May 19th, 2017 - 7:16pm

    Meddling Monk from The Time Meddler.

  • Dalek Eye Stalk

    May 18th, 2017 - 10:37am

    So we will see how Missy escaped the Daleks. Clearly though she won’t be heavily featured in the next episode. More likely setting up the story arc for the second half of this series. As the ‘vault’ should be opened in the next episode.

  • Time Lady known as Missy

    May 18th, 2017 - 12:16am

    You know what, I have just had a VERY clever idea! (Whoosh)

  • Dalek Eye Stalk

    May 17th, 2017 - 11:04pm

    How far back a flashback. Capaldi’s era or further back?

  • Dalek Eye Stalk

    May 17th, 2017 - 5:03pm

    Plus the ‘Great Intelligence’ name checked the ‘Valeyard’ in ‘The Name of the Doctor’.

  • Stop that TARDIS

    May 17th, 2017 - 4:01pm

    Lilo, you know we all know you’re lying?

  • The Outcast

    May 17th, 2017 - 11:35am

    I saw a rumour on twitter (So obviously possible SPOILERS) that this episode will start with a flashback. Thoughts?

  • The Outcast

    May 17th, 2017 - 11:33am

    It is probably due to the writing and the fact that, as Dalek Eye Stalk said, Clara was around far too long (I personally hate Clara. She was a Mary Sue in series 7 and 9).

  • Dalek Eye Stalk

    May 17th, 2017 - 11:14am

    It’s the companions that make the Doctor who he is, and how the character is written and acted. Tom Baker is MY favourite Doctor, but I think that goes some way to him being accompanied by a string of great companions during his era. Sarah, Harry, the Brigadier, Leela, K9, Romana. It’s only during Tom’s last series that he’s accompanied by weaker companions. Capaldi’s Doctor seems invigorated since Bill has come along. I believe this is because Clara was clearly in the series for too long, and really ‘her’ story arc finished at the end of Matt Smith’s era. Clara was devised to accompany the 11th Doctor, so she worked perfectly with him. However, alongside the 12th Doctor the balance was all wrong. I accept that would be the issue in Capaldi’s first series, and you want to maintain continuity. But Clara’s story was more than over by the end of series 8, and should have left in ‘Last Christmas’. Then series 9 could have been the reboot for the 12th Doctor with a new companion, written specifically around ‘his’ Doctor. Instead it’s happened in Capaldi’s last series. When we look back over the era of the 12th Doctor, it will feature more episodes with Clara than Bill. A companion created more for the Matt Smith era.

  • Exterminator

    May 17th, 2017 - 8:56am

    You could be on to something there. Interesting.

  • catnip

    May 16th, 2017 - 9:04pm

    Am i being immature asking this, but is the Veritas a real book?

    Read in a tv guide that “if you thought Missy was crazy before, then u havent seen anything yet”.
    And apparently the 12th Doctor and Missy’s fates are combined.

  • Kane

    May 16th, 2017 - 7:02pm

    Why is it that when Capaldi is regenerating I love him in the current series! Series 8 and 9 i hated him as the Doctor, but ah yes Bill! Love her!!

  • Anonymous

    May 16th, 2017 - 5:30pm

    Nice one. I agree, Moffat would love to deal with the Valyard before he leaves (as he was so eager to deal with the regeneration cycle too). That may also explain why in the series trailer we see what looks like the 12th Doctor regenerate even though he doesnt regenerate until the Xmas special.

  • Alex Who?

    May 16th, 2017 - 4:02pm

    Haven’t heard this theory before! Its a good one.

  • catnip

    May 15th, 2017 - 7:52pm

    Lilo lee, how do you know? Share your evidence

  • 12th Doctor Fan

    May 15th, 2017 - 5:39pm

    If River is in this vault I wil not be happy, her story is done thank god.

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