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November 5th, 2018 12 comments

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Synopsis – Series 11 Episode Seven Kerblam!

“Delivery for the Doctor!”

A mysterious message arrives in a package addressed to the Doctor, leading her, Graham, Yaz and Ryan to investigate the warehouse moon orbiting Kandoka, and the home of the galaxy’s largest retailer: Kerblam



  • Lorraine

    November 7th, 2018 - 10:41pm

    I would like to think the package is a Who DVD from say the Tom Baker era and when she watches it she says Kerblam which it then transpires is timeperson for “I remember” and immediately she recalls who she is and the great history behind her and in front of her and we get a decent programme back- if only.

  • The Myrka

    November 7th, 2018 - 8:27pm

    Am I the only one that feels that some of the titles this series are incredibly un-doctorwhoey? I feel that The Ghost Monument, Rosa, The Tsuranga Conundrum and Demons of the Punjab sound fine but titles like The Woman Who Fell To Earth, Arachnids in the UK and Kerblam! feel very unlike standard Doctor Who Titles.

  • Tim M

    November 6th, 2018 - 12:31pm

    The title is already giving me concerns about the quality of this episode. Sounds like it will be great fun…not!

  • The Moffat Paradox

    November 5th, 2018 - 2:29pm

    The poor dears.

  • obsie

    November 5th, 2018 - 1:36pm

    There seems to be a feeding of “you can do it”, “I believe in you” working its way in. Possibly it’ll mean we see Ryan riding his bicycle at the end of the show’s run along with his Gran looking on.

  • Kegan

    November 5th, 2018 - 12:19pm

    Hmmmmmm interesting

  • Anonymous

    November 5th, 2018 - 11:23am

    Chibnall is good at writing human characters and how they relate to each other because I find team Tardis far more realistic compared to Moffatt’s over the top female characters such as River, Amy and Clara. however I feel the characters should have come to terms with each other in the first two episodes not leave it as a semi story arc. After all Doctor who is a science fiction series about a time traveller who goes across space and time saving innocent lives from all forms of threats. It’s not meant to be a program about the troubles of the companions lives. I feel Chibnall needs to focus more on the alien side of the show or at least get new writers that can write brilliant sci-fi. Also having a new music composer, entirely new characters, Tardis console and screwdriver redesign, a cross gender Doctor, entirely new monsters and no returning monsters along with a different genre of plot focus is a few two many changes in one series.

  • DalekAgent

    November 5th, 2018 - 11:07am

    This title seems similar to SHAZAM!

  • the ergon

    November 5th, 2018 - 10:47am

    Just one opinion, Sorry for sounding like a Killjoy. I,m sure there are a lot of you out there enjoying this series.

  • the ergon

    November 5th, 2018 - 9:57am

    Partly its a lack of real plot and risible monsters that are letting this season down.

  • The Moffat Paradox

    November 5th, 2018 - 9:49am

    What next to get as really excited? An episode in which the “Doctor” and entourage spend the hour having tea and biscuits with Virginia Woolf.

  • The Temporal Jelly Baby

    November 5th, 2018 - 9:24am

    This sounds like a lot of fun! I hope it delivers on that. It’d be a mistake to have such a fun name like “Kerblam!” and then do a slow-paced character piece.

    I don’t know about everyone else, but I’ve kind of had enough of character pieces already this series. Sure, it’s nice to have developed characters, but I feel like focusing on that too much can result in losing out on some of the excitement. I want to see episodes being less character-driven and more plot-driven now. I think (and hope) this one will be just that. 🙂

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