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January 28th, 2017 31 comments

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Sir John Hurt Dies Aged 77

Sir John Hurt who played The War Doctor in the 50th anniversary special and Big Finish audio’s has Died Aged 77.

From BBC News

Veteran actor Sir John Hurt has died aged 77, his agent has said.

The Bafta-winning star, known for his roles in Alien and The Elephant Man, continued working despite being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2015.

He recently starred as Father Richard McSorley in Jackie, the biopic of President John F. Kennedy’s wife.

US director Mel Brooks described Sir John as “cinematic immortality”, as tributes poured in for the star.

He was given the all-clear in October 2015 but last year pulled out of play The Entertainer due to ill-health.



  • Anonymous

    February 26th, 2017 - 5:05pm

    Sadly the actor Neil Fingleton who played The Fisher King has also passed away. He was only 36 & had numerous credits for Science Fiction & Fantasy.

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