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October 8th, 2012 17 comments

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Angels Take Manhattan Final Viewing Figures

The Angels Take Manhattan Viewing Figures

Final viewing figures showed that The Power of Three was watched by 7.82 million viewers.

This figure includes those who recorded the programme and then watched it within 7 days.

This does not include iplayer.


Overnight viewing figures showed that The Angels Take Manhattan was watched by 5.9 million viewers. Full ratings will be available in a few days time.

These overnight figures have become increasingly unreliable as to the true audience with many people choosing to watch the show at a later time.


Series average – 8.00Million viwers

Asylum of the Dalkes 8.3 (6.4)

Dinosaurs On A Spaceship 7.8 (5.5)

A Town Called Mercy 8.4 (6.6)

The Power of Three 7.67 (5.5)

The Angels Take Manhattan 7.82 (5.9)



  • Harold Saxon

    October 18th, 2012 - 2:06pm

    Very good ratings overall,welldone.

  • Esterath

    October 12th, 2012 - 10:40pm

    RTD had the gift of every story set on Earth. Ha.

  • Professor When

    October 12th, 2012 - 6:50pm

    I see your point, but er…
    The doctor went to earth alot more in the RTD era…

  • Dduran

    October 12th, 2012 - 6:33am

    Actually I thought the last episode was somewhat lacklustre. The Angels lost there scariness, Amy became annoying (had for while), and spoke way too quickly, Rory was great, but not allowed to excel, achieve, cause in this day and age of ‘women power’ he couldn’t. I didn’t cry like I am prone to do.
    I have been a fan of Dr Who since the very beginning, and am sick to death of human companions and the Dr’s focus on earth, these new series, have the ability to explore far flung galaxies, both technically and character wise, yet the directors stick to the same old thing. Bring back Russell T. Davies, he had the gift

  • Georgia-doctor

    October 11th, 2012 - 11:48am

    I JUST watched The Angels Take Manhattan. I really was a great story, with an extremely sad and emotional goodbye to the ponds. I cried a lot.

  • McGann is the Doctor

    October 10th, 2012 - 2:11pm

    Saw it on sunday because I was sick the weekend before and would not have enjoyed it as much.

    Very good they had Amy and Rory leave in a tragic unexpected way instead of some lame prophecy prediction. 😉

    Can’t believe Rory and the Doctor never got to say goodbye ! 😥

  • Harold Saxon

    October 1st, 2012 - 3:11pm


  • Ron Hoysted

    October 1st, 2012 - 7:23am

    just watched The Angels Take Manhattan, something I didn’t expect, am so gonna miss Amy and Rory have enjoyed the last 2 seasons, and to end episode as it did was excellent

  • booboo

    September 30th, 2012 - 11:38am

    when we have time, these things take a while

  • matt smithy

    September 30th, 2012 - 11:32am

    One last thing Booboo (sorry, I may be getting annoying) but you need to update rivers time line with
    Being released from prison
    becoming a profesor
    and the events of TATM
    you can delete this so no one see’s spoilers as its not very relevent to the page 🙂

  • Mr Evil Fez

    September 30th, 2012 - 11:23am

    I would of thought that they’ll be more because of Amy and Rory leaving.

  • matt smithy

    September 30th, 2012 - 11:19am

    thanks! Strange that ATCM got the most overnights AND overall’s so far!

  • That Cherub over there

    September 30th, 2012 - 10:45am

    AOTD – 6.4 million
    DOAS – 5.5 million
    ATCM – 6.6 million
    TPOT – 5.5 million
    TATM – 5.9 million

    ATCM got the highest overnights! 🙂

  • booboo

    September 30th, 2012 - 10:45am

    Overnights with final figures in brackets

    Asylum of the Dalkes 6.4 (8.3)

    Dinosaurs On A Spaceship 5.5 (7.8)

    A Town Called Mercy 6.6 (8.4)

    The Power of Three 5.5

  • matt smithy

    September 30th, 2012 - 10:40am

    well I would like to know how popullar each episode was overnight (TATM: 5.9 ect)
    because I can’t find it anywhere else. Thanks 🙂

  • booboo

    September 30th, 2012 - 10:31am

    how do you mean?

  • matt smithy

    September 30th, 2012 - 10:30am

    booboo can you reply to this comment with the overnight viewing figures for all 5 episodes? Thanks!

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