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March 26th, 2015 18 comments

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The Doctor Who 2005 History and Timeline + Peter Capaldi Video

Today marks the 10th anniversary of Doctor Who returning to our screens after an absence of 16 years.

Check out the The Doctor Who 2005 History and Timeline to see what happened when and the announcements leading up to series one.



  • thedoctors10and11

    June 13th, 2015 - 10:34am

    love 10 years of new who cant belive it

  • The Doctor and Handles

    April 20th, 2015 - 5:50pm

    I prefer 2015 Who…

  • Anonymous

    April 12th, 2015 - 4:04pm

    2005 WHO is not the same as 2015 WHO; Doctor Who was so fresh and cool back in 05, now it’s like a reality tv show crossed over with a soap.
    I wish I had a TARDIS, to go back to when Doctor Who wasn’t a show that bores me to sleep.

  • docfan

    April 8th, 2015 - 3:27pm

    Agreed!!! :-p

  • Anonymous

    March 28th, 2015 - 8:16pm

    Has it been that long semester like yesterday

  • matparks08

    March 26th, 2015 - 6:59pm

    It was a good week 10 years ago – Who returned…I went to Egypt…and I met my now wife….a very good week actually 😉

  • The Doctor and Handles

    March 26th, 2015 - 6:50pm

    Wow, 10 years of new Who!

    I’ve made a special post on my blog to celebrate, with videos, and a poll as well as some interesting facts:
    Please take a look, the blog is updated every single day!

  • Dalek The Supreme

    March 26th, 2015 - 4:07pm

    Happy birthday, Nu Who! I remember how exciting it was to have new Doctor Who episodes airing within my lifetime…

  • Missy

    March 26th, 2015 - 3:55pm

    Happy annerversiry


    March 26th, 2015 - 3:06pm

    Sorry, loss, not lose.


    March 26th, 2015 - 3:05pm

    GOOD NEWS !! I can watch ‘Rose’ on DVD at 7pm tonight. My mum’s gonna record her BoreEnders for me. FANTASTIC !! 😀

  • NCC1701D

    March 26th, 2015 - 2:42pm

    Fantastic, Allons-y and Geronimo to New Who, happy tenth anniversary

  • Dalekparadigm2

    March 26th, 2015 - 8:45am


  • PedroPete

    March 26th, 2015 - 7:52am

    Same, with my family! 🙂


    March 26th, 2015 - 7:23am

    I’m gonna have to watch Rose an hour early. My mum’s stupid EastEnders is on at 7:30pm and she won’t watch it later on so I can watch ‘Rose’ at 7pm.

    Screw you EastEnders 😛


  • daz

    March 26th, 2015 - 1:16am

    Happy 10th Birthday to the rebirth of the legend that is Doctor Who.

  • 76 Totter’s Lane

    March 26th, 2015 - 12:06am

    Happy 10th anniversary! I shall be watching ‘Rose’ later at 7:00pm.

  • The Legend Doctor

    March 26th, 2015 - 12:05am

    Happy Birthday Nu Who! 🙂

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