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September 18th, 2015 4 comments

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Doctor Who Series 9 The Doctor’s Meditation

The Doctor’s Meditation

The Doctor prepares for his deadliest confrontation – distractions permitting… Runtime: 6 minutes

Available to watch now on Amazon Instant Video or itunes

Doctor Who Series 9 Part 1 DVD and Blu-ray

Peter Capaldi returns as the Doctor alongside Jenna Coleman with guest stars including Maisie Williams and Rufus Hound as well as the brilliant Missy (played by Michelle Gomez).

Now that the Doctor and Clara have established a dynamic as a partnership of equals, they’re relishing the fun and thrills that all of space and time has to offer. Tangling with ghosts, Vikings and the ultimate evil of the Daleks, they embark on their biggest adventures yet…

Part 1 contains the first three two-part stories plus 3 exclusive mini-documentaries on how each two-parter was created.

Episode 1 – The Magician’s Apprentice
Episode 2 – The Witch’s Familiar
Episode 3 – Under the Lake
Episode 4 – Before the Flood
Episode 5 – The Girl Who Died
Episode 6 – The Woman Who Lived

3 x Doctor Who Extras (behind the scenes)

uk-flag-small Series 9 part one is available to order on DVD or Blu-ray in the UK from or

usa-flag-small Available to order in the USA from



  • CJ

    September 19th, 2015 - 6:54pm

    Very much doubt it

  • Dr who fan #1

    September 19th, 2015 - 12:49am

    I think Clara’s the girl who died and river is the woman who lived

  • Dalekparadigm2

    September 18th, 2015 - 5:18pm

    Quite Funny really. Just setting up the new series.

  • Anonymous

    September 18th, 2015 - 10:31am


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