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The Doctors will return at Christmas
The closing moments of this evening’s Doctor Who series ten finale revealed that this year’s Doctor Who Christmas special will be a multi-Doctor adventure featuring the current Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and the First Doctor (David Bradley).
The cliff-hanger ending saw the Doctor fatally shot by a Mondasian Cyberman and begin to regenerate. Stepping out of the TARDIS into an arctic landscape, he fought off the glowing regeneration energy and fell to his knees, vowing that this time he would not live on and change into a new Doctor.
This was declared ‘ridiculous’ by an approaching figure, who mocked the Doctor as he stepped forward through the snow to reveal himself as the very first incarnation of the Timelord (“The original, you might say”) just before the credits rolled. The story will continue at Christmas.
Further casting and details for the Doctor Who Christmas special will be revealed in due course. As previously announced, the special will serve as Peter Capaldi’s farewell to the series, and will feature the debut of the next Doctor.
The Moffat Paradox
November 23rd, 2017 - 12:18amAnd Chibnall is still noticeable in his absence in giving any TV/online interviews to even seek to justify his decisions.
Tyler Prescott
November 22nd, 2017 - 8:49pmAnd Professor Lazarus was a WWI soldier?
Tyler Prescott
November 22nd, 2017 - 8:48pmIMHO
September 5th, 2017 - 10:17pmIt’s called “Twice Upon a Time.”
August 10th, 2017 - 10:58pmWell The Master regenerated into Missy, a female, and not to many people liked that, so how will people and long time fans like myself take to a female Doctor? Not to well. How will all the Doctor’s female companions, including his wife, Dr. River Song, take to the Doctor regenerating to a female?
IMHO, I think they want to kill the show! I am hopeing this is just a publicity stunt and when it returns in 2018, Peter Capaldi will be back! This is Steven Moffat signature with the Doctor. David Tennant started to regenerate and didn’t change. Then with Matt Smith, as he was regerating, the astronaut shot him before he finished, but that was only a robot. I hope that this is the same for Peter Cataldi’s Doctor.
IMHO, I think that Peter Capaldi is the best actor to play the Doctor because he has a little bit of the first eleven Doctors rolled up into one, plus a little of his own!
IMHO, I would like to see Peter Capaldi tie or break Tom Backer’s eight years as the Doctor. That will give Matt Strevens time to figure out how to give the Doctor another regeneration cycle!
I hope I’m right, I’ve been a fan since 1980 when Doctor Who was broadcast on Public Broadcasting Service in the US on Saturday nights.
12th Doctor Fan
July 20th, 2017 - 9:51pmAgree with you and Tim M, our doctor has been castrated.
Tim M
July 17th, 2017 - 7:01pmThis is the reason why Moffat has brought the 12th and 1st Doctors together in his last episode. He’s basically saying to the fans “here is your first and last male Doctor…from now it’s female”. Moffat putting a nail inside Doctor Who’s coffin, and Chibnall hammering it in.
The Monk
July 16th, 2017 - 4:59pmSo this Is my last episode for the foreseeable future…Gutted. Just as the show finished airing the best season, it delivers the worst news.
The Dalek Whovian
July 14th, 2017 - 8:30pmOMG what a twist. Solomon from Dinosaurs on a Spaceship was the first doctor all along.
the ergon
July 14th, 2017 - 2:34pmNo, hes a bit starchy and annoyingbut She just happens to have that right kind of charm and perkiness.
Rikki Krystal
July 14th, 2017 - 12:27amHere’s a twist for you,the 12th doctor refuses to regenerate,so he dies.
Next we see,the 1st doctor,david bradley,enter the 12th doctor’s tardis.
And we go full circle,and the whole of series 11,is the 1st doctors,new adventures?
Then at the end of the 12th episode,he returns,to telos,and regenerates,into troughton.
Just a thought,bit freaky really.
July 13th, 2017 - 6:52pmNo that sounds like a kids thing. Doctor who is family no just kids
July 13th, 2017 - 8:43amOne white male actor for the Doctor please. If it gets messed up, they can take them back and do it again until they have gotten it correct….. like mcdonalds.
July 13th, 2017 - 8:40amThats actually quite clever Shaun, i like that.
July 12th, 2017 - 8:18pmAs I recall PeterCapaldi wasn’t announced until August in that awful live event! I’m in 2 minds about what will happen. On one hand I really want it to be a surprise on Christmas day but in the other hand i really want to know who it is like yesterday
The Temporal Jelly Baby
July 12th, 2017 - 5:49pmMany questions, very few answers. I also hope they can keep it secret until the episode but it’s pretty unlikely really. Even if they can do it, the BBC hardly has a good track record with keeping us spoiler-free recently (I know The Sun is partly to blame for John Simm but still).
Doctor Stu
July 12th, 2017 - 5:42pmI can’t remember where I read it but I thought Chibnall himself had said he’s on the hunt I’m probably wrong but then I wonder if he/she/it (could still be a well trained dog playing the part) has actually been cast then why hasn’t there been an announcement yet. I hope they’re trying to keep it hush hush even tho it’s virtually impossible
The Temporal Jelly Baby
July 12th, 2017 - 5:37pmHmm, what’s your source for Chibnall still being ‘on the hunt’? I’m only asking because Russell T Davies said that he knows who it is in a YouTube interview, suggesting that the 13th Doctor was cast at least 1 month ago.
Also, even if he/she hasn’t been cast, they can just do the regeneration in 2 parts with the 2 different actors.
12th Doctor Fan
July 12th, 2017 - 5:10pmThat had better not happen I’m getting bored now, love 12 sorry to see Peter go we’re just being messed around now.
July 12th, 2017 - 3:27pmThat would be so annoying…but it is a possibility!
Doctor Stu
July 12th, 2017 - 12:23pmSo Capaldi has finished his run, Moffatt has left and the Christmas special has wrapped but Chibnall is still ‘on the hunt’ for the next doctor so does this mean we’ll get the obligatory regenerating energy emitting from the hands and face and then the episode just ends without showing us who the new Doctor is and a casting announcement made after Christmas?
Doctor Stu
July 11th, 2017 - 10:00pmAnd josh O Connor from the Durrells would make a great Doctor
July 11th, 2017 - 5:30pmI’d love this to be called ” The Doctors: 12 + 1 = 13″
July 11th, 2017 - 4:15pmAccording to Den of Geek the Christmas special is called ‘The Doctors’!