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May 1st, 2011 63 comments

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Impossible Astronaut Final Viewing figures 8.9m

The Impossible Astronaut Viewing figures

Screenshots from The Impossible Astronaut have been added to the gallery Here.

Final viewing figures show that the The Impossible Astronaut achieved nearly 8.9 million viewers with a massive time shift really showing that viewing habits are changing, this was well on par and even beating some season openers. These figures do not include iplayer.

Overnight viewing figure showed that The Impossible Astronaut achieved 6.5 million viewers.




  • Christiane Duncan

    May 10th, 2011 - 6:09am

    I am a huge fan of Dr Who or maybe I should say was…. this last ones.well I do not really know. They just don’t seem to care about it any more. The Story was just unbelievable and I am actually sick of all the kissing I do not care about that .if I want that I watch Big Brother!!
    Still hoping that it will pick up but I guess that a lot of parents will just switch off if it continues like this.

  • Anonymous

    May 2nd, 2011 - 5:02pm

    So are you saying Doctor Who should be broadcast post watershed, because that would also have a bad efect on the ratings.

  • Anonymous

    May 2nd, 2011 - 4:59pm

    Actually to use the iPlayer you do need to pay the lisence fee (as specified in the Terms and Conditions on the website). The difference is these ratings are not included in teh official BARB ratings as they cannot tell if someone has watched it multiple times and it would take the ratings far longer to come out.

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