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December 13th, 2010 32 comments

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The k9 series Channel 5 Trailer

The k9 series Channel 5 Trailer

A brand new trailer (which is voiced by John Leeson) is now being broadcast to promote the up-coming début of the K9 series on terrestrial TV.

The K9 series will start on Channel Five on Saturday December 18th 2010 at 10.00am. Five will show the first 13 episodes in order (block one or series one) with block two consisting of the final 13 episodes commencing at Easter time.

K9 can be seen on the following dates…

Saturday 18/12/2010 10.00am
Sunday 19/12/2010 11.10am
Monday 20/12/2010 9.45am
Tuesday 21/12/2010 9.35am
Wednesday 22/12/2010 9.35am
Thursday 23/12/2010 9.35am
Friday 24/12/2010 10.00am
Saturday (Christmas Day) 25/12/2010 10.00am
Sunday (Boxing Day) 26/12/2010 11.10am
Monday 27/12/2010 10.00am
Tuesday 28/12/2010 10.00am
Wednesday 29/12/2010 10.00am
Thursday 30/12/2010 10.00am
Friday 31/12/2010 10.00am

Details have just been released on the first DVD, listed as series one which will consist of 13 episodes with further volumes later. You can see the cover and information Here.

You can find extensive information on the series in our special K9 section Here or on the official site Here.



  • IronsideDalek

    May 23rd, 2012 - 4:03am

    I think they should’ve made a Dalek Empire series revolving around the adventures of our favorite squids in metal salt-shakers. I don’t really watch this, kind of boring

  • rtyuio

    May 6th, 2012 - 2:04pm

    i love k9 when is the new episiodes coming out???

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