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June 21st, 2010 19 comments

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Doctor Who – The Lodger Final Ratings

The Lodger Final Ratings

Final viewing figures for Matt Smiths eleventh story, The Lodger show that the story achieved a Total Rating of 6.44m viewers (inc Hd).

5.98m Watched on BBC1 whilst a further 0.46m watched on the HD channel.

Overnight viewing figures including HD were 4.6m.

Source: BARBTotals so far…

The Eleventh Hour 10.08 million

The Beast Below 8.4 million

Victory of the Daleks 8.2 million

The Time of Angels 8.6 million

Flesh and Stone 8.5 million

The Vampires of Venice 7.7 million

Amy’s Choice 7.5m

The Hungry Earth 6.5m

Cold Blood 7.5m

Vincent and the Doctor 6.8m

The Lodger 6.44m

Source: BARB


  • VW Beetle Parts

    April 21st, 2011 - 2:53am

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  • VTR1000 lady

    July 5th, 2010 - 11:08am

    Electricity is really just organized lightning.

    Sent from my iPhone 4G

  • silence will fall

    June 21st, 2010 - 8:26pm

    the ep was okay but strange and amy pond is the best companion ever

  • Tom Ford

    June 21st, 2010 - 8:11pm

    And at the end of the day, if you dont like the show dont watch it-nobody is forcing you to. End of argument amongst the moaners.

  • Tom Ford

    June 21st, 2010 - 8:09pm

    People seen to be forgetting another thing which does not contribute to the ratings-bbci player. It is now no longer essential to watch on the night, and so people will not tape it or watch it ‘live’ so to speak as they know they can catch it anytime.

  • BrannersTheHamster

    June 15th, 2010 - 9:15pm

    I enjoyed it. I found myself slightly on edge as it was a bit creepy. My other half is not really a fan but watches regularly. As soon as the credits rolled she turned to me and beamed, “That was really good!” For me, that reaction from a casual viewer speaks for itself.

    I have to agree with comments others have made elsewhere about the figures relative to previous years: The overnights have been poor of late, but the finals have generally been significantly higher, similar to series 1 and 2. The statistics don’t lie, as they say. So it does look as if the difference between the overnights and finals can only be down to viewing habits.

  • Alex

    June 14th, 2010 - 6:22pm

    I think the season has been fine, and the Appreciation Index ratings have all been in the excellent range so the people who dislike what’s been done to the show are clearly in the minority. As far as I’m concerned the show is Smith’s and Moffat’s for as long as they want it.

  • pc

    June 14th, 2010 - 3:08pm

    If the world cup and for that matter wimbeldon (yawn!) were not on or about to get underway the ratings would be better not that im concerned anyway, on the story side i happen to agree they could be better and i hope next series they look to what has happened over the last few years!
    Maybe more grittier stories are needed?

  • The No.1 Doctor

    June 14th, 2010 - 7:24am

    The Lodger was fine, although the fact that Amy isn’t in it much and the upstairs room was a realy gay TARDIS console. The episode in it’s self was actually quite good. As was the Doctor at football.

    Visit my Youtube:

  • Kyderdog

    June 14th, 2010 - 4:16am

    I agree horrible story…they Even tried to make it better by showing all the old doctors….


  • Jeff little from Troy Ohio

    June 14th, 2010 - 4:14am

    And they still have not killed off Ami Pond….

    The worst story since the new series started in 2005.

  • Tim

    June 13th, 2010 - 10:20pm

    I found this particular episode quite boring in all honesty, probably due partly by the fact I think James Corden is stupidly overrated. I think overall I’ve found this series the least appealing of the five we’ve had since it came back in 2005. Matt Smith has been very good as the Doctor and I think on the whole he’s been fine, but I haven’t totally warmed to Amy. I don’t find Karen Gillan’s range of acting is up to scratch compared to the likes of Billie Piper’s or even Catherine Tate’s to be brutally honest. She often has that wide eyed pouted lip look in many scenes which make her facial range very samey and repetitive. To me it feels like she’s acting, I don’t quite get the realism from her performances, so therefore I have to work harder suspending my disbelief!

    But I’m going off track there…As for ‘The Lodger’ I found it to be very dissapointing and rather dull, and I couldn’t wait for the football to start on the other channel.

    Doctor Who has been better than this, and there have been a few dissapointments within this series for me, a few too many for my liking.
    Matt Smith has been rather good as the Doctor, better than I thought, but I don’t think the stories or the current companion are doing him any favours, and I think further changes are needed for the next series, because if not the next series will be Matt’s last…

  • pc

    June 13th, 2010 - 3:53pm

    low ratings is in my opinion nothing to do with the story which i believe was very good, it was obviosu the ratings were not going to be high because of the world cup! oh well roll on next week!

  • Juddon PLatoon

    June 13th, 2010 - 1:56pm

    Next week it will go up I reckon and the week after it will probably go sky high

  • someone

    June 13th, 2010 - 1:30pm

    the timing of this was terrible, it was just before england’s first match so viewing was down – epsecially dissapointed even with james corden. nothing happened during the first hour, people just talk the important bit was after doctor who. but it was still great viewing figures was still great.

  • tom-tit

    June 13th, 2010 - 12:29pm

    Enjoyed this episode more than anticipated, quite spooky in places, offset by the humour supplied by James Corden’s interaction with Matt Smith.

  • dylan

    June 13th, 2010 - 10:34am

    well it was affected by about 2 million (the usual overnight viewing figure is around 6 milion+)

  • Sam

    June 13th, 2010 - 10:20am

    In view of the football these are not that bad to be honest

  • dylan

    June 13th, 2010 - 10:17am

    That is defo because of the football and i’m sure it will be very high by the end of the week when the final figures are shown. because cold blood only got 5.7 million and then it was up to nearly 8 million on the final viewing i’m still very very sure that it was because of ther football and the gr8 weather.

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