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October 20th, 2009 2 comments

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The Mr Smith Quiz returns

The Mr Smith Quiz returns

The all new Sarah Jane Adventures Mr Smith Quiz returns along with a revamped features section.

Here you will find an array of various games, information and facts from the world of Doctor Who and its spin off’s

Test you knowledge on the latest story from series 3 of the Sarah Jane Adventures. we’ve also left in some past quizzes from series 1 and 2 so you can have another go.

Click the image below to activate Mr Smith and select the Quiz you would like to take, use the orange arrow at bottom left to go back and start again, if you have taken the quiz before you may need to refresh the page – Good Luck!

Mr Smith Quiz

And if you haven’t seen them before…

Send e-cards with new images added


Colour your own Dalek with the Dalek Customizer


Create your own Cyberman using parts from across the ages


Try you skills in Battle of the Supreme Daleks!


Plus…Coming soon…The Who bears are back, and there’s a new addition!


All this and much more…

To go to the Features page click Here



  • bouncingdalek

    November 17th, 2010 - 7:43pm

    yea the 2nd one to register yaiiii!!!

  • sarankan

    May 30th, 2010 - 2:45pm

    wi doctor who wet to tv

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