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April 5th, 2011 15 comments

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The Opening Adventure: The Revolution Begins

The Opening Adventure: The Revolution Begins

The Synopsis below contains spoilers

From the official BBC site

The new series of Doctor Who begins soon with a two-parter that ranks as one of the show’s most mind-blowing and visually arresting adventures ever.

Details are beginning to emerge about the story and we’ve got brief details of the episodes below. We’ve kept it brief, but as River might say, ‘Spoilers!’

Episode 1: The Impossible Astronaut

Four envelopes, numbered 2, 3 and 4, each containing a date, time and map reference, unsigned, but TARDIS blue. Who sent them? And who received the missing number one? This strange summons reunites the Doctor, Amy, Rory and River Song in the middle of the Utah desert and unveils a terrible secret the Doctor’s friends must never reveal to him.

Placing his life entirely in their hands, the Doctor agrees to search for the recipient of the fourth envelope – just who is Canton Everett Delaware the Third? And what is the relevance of their only other clue: ‘Space 1969’? Their quest lands them – quite literally – in the Oval Office, where they are enlisted by President Nixon himself to assist enigmatic former-FBI agent Canton, in saving a terrified little girl from a mysterious spaceman.

Episode 2: Day of the Moon

The Doctor is locked in the perfect prison. Amy, Rory and River Song are being hunted down across America by the FBI. With the help of new friend and FBI-insider, Canton Everett Delaware the Third, our heroes are reunited to share their discoveries, if not their memories. For the world is occupied by an alien force who control humanity through post-hypnotic suggestion and no one can be trusted. Aided by President Nixon and Neil Armstrong’s foot, the Doctor must mount a revolution to drive out the enemy and rescue the missing little girl. No-one knows why they took her. Or why they have kidnapped Amy Pond…

Steven Moffat: All Aboard the Ghost Train!

You can also read a Q&A session with Steven Moffat on the official site Here.

In other news today Lizo Mzimba confirmed that Episode 7 of series 6 is Called A Good Man Goes To War.

You can see his BBC interview with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan Here and read a spoiler free review of the first two episodes, The Impossible Astronaut and Day Of The Moon at

With the big spoiler revelation shown on the covers of this months Doctor Who Magazine we have opened a poll where you can vote for your choice.

The Vote panel is in the spoiler Tag below



  • martin moran

    May 1st, 2011 - 4:07pm

    love the site, please let me join!!!

  • Doctor Who Star 100

    April 16th, 2011 - 6:02pm

    the one with doctor wearing a stetson in utah. that’s my background on my laptop!

  • Doctor Who Star 100

    April 16th, 2011 - 6:01pm

    @ dalek sec: why be sorry?

    @ silence will fall: no, river should not be killed! get a brain!

  • Phil

    April 16th, 2011 - 4:40pm

    I think it’s Amy and Rory in the 10th DR’s Tardis if you look closely….

  • Spyzelda1

    April 11th, 2011 - 7:16pm

    Look, go to 37 seconds in and pause it. There is clearly as day the 10th doctors TARDIS an in the bottom right hand corner, there is the 10th doctor in his blue suit that he used to wear underneath his long brown jacket.

  • The face of Boe

    April 10th, 2011 - 9:40am

    In the new series trailer it shows green eyed ood

  • who fan4ever

    April 9th, 2011 - 6:05pm

    look at around 36 seconds in and BANG THERE IS THE OLD TARDIS. and the voice saying “fear me i have killed hundreds of timelords” is the silence (a.k.a omega). the dolls remind me of chucky and they look scary

  • Cal

    April 8th, 2011 - 6:09pm

    I think Amy will be killed. If you look very closely at… 00:48 seconds, then you will find there is another Amy standing in the coordinate (ah ha!) where Amy shoots. Theory?

  • Dalek Sec

    April 7th, 2011 - 6:41am

    Sorry everyone but riversong lives!

  • silencewillfall

    April 6th, 2011 - 2:04pm

    i agree, river should be killed..
    but i also think it could be rory because in the trailer you only see rory once, so maybe its him and amy kills him..
    but maybe its amy that gets killed maybe amy is pointing the gun at river cause she knows river is going to kill the doctor so river then turns and shoots amy, noticing amy’s face on the trailer after the gun shot

  • lukey who boy

    April 5th, 2011 - 7:56pm

    when you hover over the image at the top, it says new group. does this mean that River is going to join the TARDIS? cos there are other shots in the trailers from other eps with her in…

  • Jammy

    April 5th, 2011 - 9:40am

    Think of it this way. Rory died in the last series and was brought back to life, Amy temporarily died in the last series and it would be a bit hard to kill the Doctor as he would have to be brought back to life again. The only person that didn’t die in series 5 was River.

    I think Amy shoots River(as seen in the trailer), obviously River will be back later on in the series but due to her dying she never visits the Library, Donna is trapped and the Doctor dies thus never regenerating into the 11th Doctor. Although due to timey wimey stuff the 11th Doctor still exists with his TARDIS although the old TARDIS still also exists at this point in time. That could be an explanation to bring back the old TARDIS. Either way who ever dies we know will be back later on as all four of them will be in later episodes.

  • Bzb23

    April 5th, 2011 - 9:26am

    Time can be rewritten…

  • sausageroll

    April 5th, 2011 - 7:42am

    seriously why put river song on the poll she has already died

  • TheNo.1Doctor

    April 5th, 2011 - 12:08am

    Could you put a larger image of the image in thumbnail with Dr, Amy, Rory and River?

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