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The Pandorica Opens Final Ratings
The Pandorica Opens Final Ratings
Final viewing figures for Matt Smiths 12th story, The Pandorica Opens show that the story achieved a Rating of 7.58m viewers (inc Hd)…
Overnight viewing figures were 5.9m viewers (inc Hd) with a 31.5% audience share.
dr what
June 25th, 2010 - 6:21pmwhy in The Pandorica Opens the supreme dalek has a normal dalek voice because in victory of the daleks it has the deep dark voice ❓
June 22nd, 2010 - 8:25amOMG !!!!!! when river song says (you cant win this u cant event fight this) the doctor has a blue bow tie
June 22nd, 2010 - 12:00am@BrannersTheHamster
Two reasons for not killing him on the spot spring to mind, the first being Moffat has indicated the 13 regeneration limit no longer applies, so killing him would be an exercise in futility, short of putting him into a device which would atomise him.
The reason for not doing the latter is less obvious, but the Silurians were present, who are no longer an enemy, if the priority was to stop him ending the universe and one of the members voiced an objection to killing him that could be it; there’s also the matter than they don’t have the TARDIS in their possession, where it to be in danger of detonating whether or not it was being piloted the Doctor would be the only man with the expertise to prevent it. Of course it’s entirely possible Moffat has something else cooking, but there are good reasons they didn’t kill the Doctor.
June 21st, 2010 - 11:46pmFirstly as has been pointed out before, including deferred viewings (i.e. the final viewing figures, the only ones the BBC look at) the viewing figures are up in total? Half my ass. The final ratings will almost certainly be around 8million, which would put it at a position of the penultimate with the second highest viewing figures. Even if by some miracle it only gains 1.6 million, which I doubt, it’ll still be exactly average. So kindly stop trying to apply your own views.
I’m loving this new series, and know many people feel the same way, one thing is certain whether you prefer Tenant or Smith; the writing has improved dramatically.
And that’s not even including the 1million+ iplayer hits the show has achieved this season, orders of magnitude higher than the previous seasons (admittedly due to the higher uptake of the system, new console support etc but these are yet more people opting to watch the delayed broadcast, I myself almost always use iplayer.
June 21st, 2010 - 7:37amlook during these summer months not many people can watch the show i had to record it because of summer activities.
June 20th, 2010 - 10:02pmLoved the story, it had me hooked. And the Cyber head scene … brilliant!
But … I was thinking about if afterwards, and it doesn’t add up.
I mean, the Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans, Nestenes et al teaming up seemed unlikely, but what gets me is they finally had the Doctor where they wanted him, and did they exterminate him? No, they locked him up. Surely he’d be significantly less likely to use the TARDIS if he was dead? And they’ve been trying to kill him for years!
And how did the Nestenes manage to capture Rory’s memories down to the moment he died?
I can only think of two explanations: 1) It’s that pesky Dream Lord bloke again. He wouldn’t want the Doctor to die, because then he’d wake up! And I bet that’s his voice saying “Silence will reign”. And the Doctor saw his face at the end of Amy’s Choice smiling back at him. Maybe he was setting the trap up then.
2) Plot holes.
I really hope it’s 1) and if it is, I take my hat off to Mr Moffatt for the clever twist.
June 20th, 2010 - 8:44pmAre you paying attention to the ratings at all? What part of “most watched show of the day” and “more viewers than the WORLD CUP” didn’t you get? The ratings are fine. We’ve just gotten used to “event” episodes artificially pumping up the numbers. Plus these overnights are frelling useless and should be abandoned because they do no reflect reality as the final numbers show the program is doing fine. Reality check: many people are not watching the broadcasts as they occur. That’s partly the BBC’s fault for airing the show at a different time every week. And at too early a time. So as a result every episode so far you can add hundreds of thousands of viewers to via iPlayer, among other things. Plus there are those who prefer to wait for the DVDs. This is not the same world it was when Journey’s Ended aired 2 years ago. Why people are panicking or suggesting there is something wrong is beyond me. And why should anyone care? The BBC has renewed it for another season, for which filming begins in a few weeks. The show could register a ZERO rating and that would not change.
Nigel M
June 20th, 2010 - 7:38pmYou can see from the link on this site that the ratings for this series started off very good but have steadily dropped, now almost halving from the previous series. Many of the comments I have read on various websites have voiced the opinion that the stories are the reason. I mean – Vincent van Gogh being attacked by an invisible monster that only he can see ? Sorry but that was just daft !
Matt Smith was always going to have a hard job following on from David Tennant. Whilst he has in my view been surprisingly good in the role, he has been badly handicapped by the quality of many of the stories, which is a major surprise given the calibre of the writers they have employed such as Richard Curtis and Mark Gatiss.
Although The Pandorica Opens was a definite return to form for the series, unfortunately “mud sticks” and I believe that a sizeable chunk of the audience have now switched off for good.
June 20th, 2010 - 7:31pmIt’s averaging 5 to 6 million on the overnights but getting record viewers on those who record it or watch it on iplayer. This episode was the most watched of the day and the 14th overall for the week so that will tell you peoples viewing habits. By the time the final figure is in this episode may well be in the top ten for the week.
June 20th, 2010 - 6:42pmThey are recording it watching it later or on I player so it seems
June 20th, 2010 - 6:30pmWhy is Dr Who getting such bad ratings now? compared to before I mean. during the RTD era the ratings rarely fell bellow 6 million now they have an average of 5 million. Whats happened to those million fans?
ian carruthers
June 20th, 2010 - 6:22pmwow wasant it great to see all the doctors resant enemies cant wait for next week the special effects were fantastic the story is brilliant and all the actors were exsellant again well done the bbc and cannot wait for christmas special and next season with matt and karen
ian carruthers
June 20th, 2010 - 6:19pmwow wasant it great to see all the doctors resant enemies cant wait for next week the special effects were fantastic the story is brilliant and all the actors were exsellant again well done the bbc
June 20th, 2010 - 5:51pmWell, I didn’t watch the original airing, 2nd time this season, but only because I was at a party.
June 20th, 2010 - 4:57pmit was sad when amy got shot my rorry
river song was stuck in the tardis!!!
whenall the monstors came out. it was so COOL
CANT WAIT for the big bang