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May 4th, 2010 15 comments

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The Time of Angels Final Ratings

The Time of Angels Final Ratings

Final viewing figures for Matt Smiths Fourth story, The Time of Angels show that the story achieved a total rating of 8.6m viewers (inc HD ) …

8.13 million viewers watched on BBC1 whilst a further 0.461 million watched on the BBC HD channel.

This again is a huge timeshift of almost 2 million viewers.

Overnight viewing were 6.8m viewers ( inc HD ) with a 36.7% audience share.

Source: BARB



  • booboo

    May 5th, 2010 - 6:36pm

    seems to be averaging out slight higher than series 4 at the moment

  • discostew

    May 5th, 2010 - 6:00pm

    how do these ratings compare to RTD’s on average ?

  • booboo

    May 5th, 2010 - 5:30pm

    Not officially but i think there well known to be those ( i hope)

  • Callum Metcalfe

    May 5th, 2010 - 5:18pm

    Have they released Vincent and the Doctor and The Lodger as episode titles?Because it says it on the episode guide on the doctor who link

  • cam287

    May 5th, 2010 - 3:34pm

    time of angels is better than flesh of stone

  • anthony

    April 29th, 2010 - 5:46pm

    time of the angels was excellent dr. who at its very best…. excellent wtriting from stephen moffat…all 4 episodes so far have been sublime… classic dr. who at its very best… bring on flesh and stone

  • MPfor flydale north

    April 26th, 2010 - 6:37pm

    @joshua T Ferguson— wow, obviously you watch the show a lot. Her name is Amy POND.

  • Jon Roberts

    April 26th, 2010 - 9:23am

    So far in this series, a lot of the story lines have been seen before. A spaceship that hides a giant alien animal, recently killed people talking lucidly after death, alien police chasing a prisoner and a WWII setting with bonus aliens.

    The original weeping angels story was superb, but this recent one was a pale rehash.

    I love the new doctor and assistant though.

  • Joshua T. Ferguson

    April 25th, 2010 - 11:57pm

    Ugh could have been a great show. They still are trying to make it too childish.

    Amy Potts is a horrible actress and one of the worst companions I would even rate Mel above her.

  • King Ninja

    April 25th, 2010 - 7:10pm

    Wonderful spooky episode! I’m glad that Moffat and Matt are mantaining the show’s quality so well!

  • king gerbil

    April 25th, 2010 - 4:37pm

    i agree with andrew hall about all he wrote i think final ratings will be around 8m and flesh and stone overnight will probably be around 7.5m?

  • Keith

    April 25th, 2010 - 12:17pm

    Hmm, must be me. I didn’t enjoy this so much.

  • Unkown

    April 25th, 2010 - 11:25am

    The time of angels was an amazing episode and alex kingston was great. It was good to see river again and I can’t wait for next weeks episode,

  • Peter

    April 25th, 2010 - 11:00am

    The ratings are holding up well, the time shifts seem to be getting larger this year so could still get over 8 million

  • Andrew Hall

    April 25th, 2010 - 10:54am

    Best one of the season yet. This one and the Eleventh Hour have been very good. Was dissapointed with last weeks Dalek story, which was immensly rushed. Cant wait to see what happens next week! The old angel statues were creepy too! Back to form for Moffatt!

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