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November 15th, 2018 12 comments

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This Year’s Festive Episode To Be On New Year’s Day

From the BBC Press Office

The TARDIS is set to land once more – and this time it will be Who Year’s Day…

With 2018 marking a brand new era for Doctor Who it is only right that 2019 kicks off in spectacular style.

So to mark the occasion, in this year’s festive episode the TARDIS will travel through the time vortex from its traditional timeslot on Christmas Day and will land in style on New Year’s Day.

Charlotte Moore, Director of Content, says: “We’re delighted the Doctor and her companions will be welcoming BBC One audiences into 2019 with this exciting new episode. The Doctor’s fans are in for a special treat on the first day of the new year.”

Showrunner Chris Chibnall says: “We’re thrilled to be starting the New Year with a bang on BBC One, as Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor and friends face a terrifying alien threat in an action-packed, hour-long special adventure for all the family.”

As the New Year begins, a terrifying evil is stirring from across the centuries of Earth’s history. As the Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz return home, will they be able to overcome the threat to planet Earth?

Written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Wayne Yip. The Doctor is played by Jodie Whittaker, Ryan by Tosin Cole, Graham by Bradley Walsh and Yaz by Mandip Gill.



  • Anonymous

    November 15th, 2018 - 9:41pm

    Let’s not get to excited shall we!

  • whovian

    November 15th, 2018 - 9:24pm

    For me, the Christmas specials were always the best part of the day, until recent years that is:

    The Christmas Invasion (2005) 9/10.
    The Runaway Bride (2006) 9/10.
    Voyage of the Damned (2007) 7 1/2 / 10.
    The Next Doctor (2008) 6 1/2 / 10.
    The End of Time parts 1&2(2009/10) 8 1/2 /10.
    A Christmas Carol (2010) 5 1/2 /10.
    The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe (2011) 4/10.
    The Snowmen (2012) 8/10.
    The Time of the Doctor (2013) 8/10.
    Last Christmas (2014) 2/10.
    The Husbands of River Song (2015) 7 1/2 /10.
    The Return of Doctor Mysterio (2016) 5/10.
    Twice Upon A Time (2017) 8/10.

    I’ve listed both parts of End of Time as one, as in my opinion, it’s the same episode, stretched over a week.

  • The Moffat Paradox

    November 15th, 2018 - 6:01pm

    Apart IMO from “The Time Of The Doctor” think there’s a general consensus that they’ve been more miss than hit. Would have often rathered they just had Daleks exterminating everything in eye stalk sight in as unfestive a story as possible. It’s not as if putting a James Bond film on over the period is based on whether their seasonal.

  • Anonymous

    November 15th, 2018 - 4:30pm

    I was just wading this on the BBC website and I was like “I wonder if this is on Doctor Who Site Yet” and it was. And it was pretty much the same.

  • R1ch1e

    November 15th, 2018 - 4:18pm

    I will miss the Xmas special but to be honest when I’m watching a brand new episode on New Years day, I will not give a damn. Plus New Years day is the worst day of the year.

  • Tyler Prescott

    November 15th, 2018 - 1:23pm

    What I don’t understand is why Moffat fought so hard, writing TUaT, just to keep the Christmas Day slot, if 2019 doesn’t have a Christmas episode.

    I wish we could have both Christmas and New Year’s Day, like the End of Time.

  • Pats86

    November 15th, 2018 - 12:20pm

    Christmas day when everyone is in just about.

    New Years day when everyone is out just about.

    Not surprised at all, considering how poor this season is and how poor the Xmas episodes always are this could be the ultimate disaster.

    Smart move by the BBC, the less who watch this the better it will be form them.

    I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

  • Anonymous

    November 15th, 2018 - 11:55am

    I know people are going to hate but in all honesty the christmas episodes have been poor for a very long time. The last decent one would be end of time purely because of the plot and last year all they did was chuck a bit of snow in. Hopefully the time switch will allow them to produce a decent story which can pull some high high ratings.

  • Anonymous

    November 15th, 2018 - 11:37am

    We had 26 years of of no specific Xmas specials, only episodes on Xmas day just happened to fall on Xmas day, it wasn’t a big deal then. The fact is we are still getting a special, it’s still a big deal for the bbc over Xmas.

  • The Doctor Will See You Now

    November 15th, 2018 - 11:19am

    I was so sure that Graham was going to die at the end of this season. Now according to the small synopsis, it looks like all the companions will survive.

  • Blungering Hinklesburn

    November 15th, 2018 - 9:52am

    Meh. Pretty disappointed, but not too much.


    – I can spend another hour playing Red Dead Redemption 2. :~D

    – Plus, last Christmas Day finished on a bit of a melancholy note when I realised that there were literally months until we saw Whittaker in action. This year, we’ll have an adventure to look forward to the following week.


    – Christmas Day without Doctor Who…that’s gonna feel a bit odd I worry.

    – Bit of a slap in the face to Steven Moffat, who is on record as saying he only did Twice Upon A Time to ensure the Christmas slot is retained.

  • When The Doctor Was Me

    November 15th, 2018 - 9:31am

    I prefer the new slot. Makes more sense to me. Christmas day is far to busy to sit down and enjoy TV. So for me personally i’m over the moon with the move.

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