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July 27th, 2009 1 comment

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Waters of Mars New Trailer/The Master returns

The BBC have added a new trailer for The Waters Of Mars to the official site.

The new trailer for The Waters of Mars has debuted at Comic-Con in San Diego and is available now on the BBC site. It features a sequence of moments from the next Doctor Who special and delivers a single overwhelming message. This one’s a thriller!

The first trailer for The Waters of Mars and the brief clip we brought you earlier this year indicated that the Doctor’s trip to Mars would make for a dark and scary adventure. Executive Producer Russell T Davies, who co-wrote the episode with Phil Ford, joked that even he was terrified by it! However, this new trailer reveals there will be thrills as well as chills when the TARDIS touches down on the Red Planet.

A base under threat. The Doctor under pressure. A countdown, explosions and the water… the water seeping, spreading, terrifying and transforming. The Waters of Mars and a threat to Earth. It promises to be a stunning special!

view the trailer

The BBC have also confimed that John Simm will returen as Tha Master in David Tennants final episodes

“John Simm will return as the Master in the two special episodes which bring David Tennant’s era as the Doctor to a stunning conclusion. There’s been speculation about Simm’s involvement with the show but we can confirm he’ll be back later this year, once again playing the Doctor’s deadly nemesis.

Simm first appeared as the Master in Utopia, The Sound of Drums and The Last of the Time Lords. All three episodes were written by Executive Producer and Head Writer Russell T Davies who also wrote his upcoming adventure.”


1 comment

  • mr who

    December 18th, 2010 - 8:55am

    lol! sounds ecxiting! 😀

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