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June 4th, 2011 220 comments

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What Did You Think Of A Good Man Goes To War?

What Did You Think Of A Good Man Goes To War?

Now that the seventh final episode of the first half of series 6 is over what did you think Of A Good Man Goes To War? Cast your vote in the panel below. You can also vote for your two favourite episodes so far.



  • doctor stu

    June 5th, 2011 - 8:43am

    stephen moffat promised the biggest cliff hanger ever. WOW Riversong is Amy’s daughter. we’d all guessed that anyway. why was riversong so adamant about hiding her ‘secret’ from the Doctor since series 4 and not Amy. i always assumed that the big reveal would be about her relation to the Doctor hence all of this ‘hello sweetie’ and whispering the doctors name in his ear. The episode was bril but the cliff hanger didnt really work that well. also moffat says that something will be revealed that would make you say ‘oh yeah’ what was that?

  • Crack in time

    June 5th, 2011 - 8:32am

    One of my favourite episodes of Matt smith I loved that river was melody pond and the headless monks creepy and I liked the return of Danny boy from victory Of the daleks but I didn’t like that Stephen Moffat has broke back the old monsters it was just like the alliance in series 5 but apart from that the entire series I think has been brilliant

  • H.K

    June 5th, 2011 - 8:31am

    Yes I Do, Sorry

  • River Pond

    June 5th, 2011 - 8:23am

    Really great episode all round!

  • Joe

    June 5th, 2011 - 8:22am

    This is how Doctor Who SHOULD be….RTD got it all wrong in my opinion, but some of his stories were enjoyable.
    Moffat is a genius writer, and places a lot of twists and turns in his scripts. Unlike RTD who wrote predictable, soap-like story lines in which the Doctor is running down a street crying towards his loved one (Rose)….

  • Joe

    June 5th, 2011 - 8:19am

    They weren’t his enemies… The Sontaran was disgraced by the bad sontaran, so he is good. He helps people get better,
    The Silurian Vastra was also good because she believes humans and Silurian’s should live together in peace. But people think the cybermen were good in this episode, when they were not. notice how they tried to kill Rory

  • Joe

    June 5th, 2011 - 8:15am

    She was conceived in the TARDIS which was in the Time Vortex, that had an impact on her DNA

  • Jason doctorwhoone

    June 5th, 2011 - 7:55am

    Brilliant episode, and unexpectedly, a Sontaran with a sense of humour [ well, that’s what i thought atleast ], but not only that, but a walking talking baked Potato that can Breast Feed ???? . . . . disturbing 🙁 . River’s revelation wasint big on me thou, since other fan’s had rather guessed allready that there was some sort of connection between Amy and River cos of the names ” River ” and ” Pond “.

    ” Let’s kill Hitler ” does seem a rather harsh title, Doctor Who isint about the Doctor killing people after all. The title best be changed before episode 8 gets broadcast.

  • Thetasigma

    June 5th, 2011 - 7:37am

    Chris, I’m not sure what you’ve been watching while Dr Who’s been on but it clearly hasnt been Season 6 of Dr Who ! This has been one of the best constructed series since the show’s return, Moffat is a skillled writer and Matt Snith has made the best of these amazing scripts and IS the Dr !

  • bdayboy

    June 5th, 2011 - 7:20am

    WHAT!!!!!!! Like the classics? I just hate stand alone episodes and no story arcs, that is just one of the things separating the classics to the new!!

  • DoctorWho4eva

    June 5th, 2011 - 7:07am

    1) If Melody did belong to the doctor because of the time lord DNA. River (melody) kissed her father. EWWWWWWWW!!!
    2) I wonder why we didn’t see the Cybermen apart from the first 4 minutes at the start.

  • DoctorWho2011

    June 5th, 2011 - 7:05am

    A Good Man Goes To War tells us back in Fresh & Stone river said “yes i did i killed a good man” its the doctor coz hes a good man but why would river kill the doctor?

  • Mels

    June 5th, 2011 - 6:28am

    Argh! I guessed everything right in this episode…! I was hoping for a big suprise ‘you’ll never guess that’ Mofatt ending, but no, it all played out as I thought it would. *sigh*. The River reveal was kinda obvious…

    The only thing that suprised me was the baby’s name – Melody. That’s my name heh heh! 😀 (…I was just stoked to hear Matt Smith same ‘my’ name lol).

    *Spoiler speculation follows*

    Thinking back, I still think that River may not be in the first spacesuit, since she seemed suprised to see it in the Impossible Astronaut, and the ‘good man’ she ‘kills’ and is jailed for (likely accidently) could actually be referring to Rory, since Mofatt seems to have gone out of his way to label him as ‘good’ and he’s becoming quite a hero to many…
    I’m also still curious to whether River in the end actually has a relationship with the Doctor or the/a Doctor ganger… that will depend on which Doctor actually died in ep 1, as that’s the one she knew (they swapped diaries in the cafe).

    Many suprises to come no doubt… in what’s going to be an epic long wait until the conclusion of the series.

  • Anthony Harding

    June 5th, 2011 - 6:17am

    The good man might be Rory?
    Just a thought.

  • Fox Mulder

    June 5th, 2011 - 3:52am

    It’s only sinking in who river is lol, I’d say a lot of people will go back and re watch all the eps with river in em.

  • Fox Mulder

    June 5th, 2011 - 3:51am

    Thats sooooo true if you give him a good script he’s good and give him a bad script and he’s well………bad

  • Fox Mulder

    June 5th, 2011 - 3:49am

    He’s here until 2013 I think so we will enjoy at least two more seasons of Matt Smith.

  • Fox Mulder

    June 5th, 2011 - 3:48am

    I think season 5 was better even though it’s finale was bad but, this season has been all over the place Literally, but it’s finale is awesome , it’s hard to make a judgement until you’ve seen it all from ep 1-13 🙂
    I have enjoyed only three episode of this season so far Ep 2,3 and 7 thats it, but yes it may improve.

  • Fox Mulder

    June 5th, 2011 - 3:44am

    Yeah , they all loved RTDs stories when he was the main writer but now that he’s not there just slanting him off and saying his stories were to brain dead and all that, give him some credit HHe DID BRING BACK Doctor Who ,they should show him sone Respect, MOFFAT is a good writer with a love of Time Travel, t but Without RTD there would be no Dr Who in this Decade.

  • Fox Mulder

    June 5th, 2011 - 3:40am

    RORY DIES in this season or next year but some day will die and not come back or she forgot him or something but yes Rory will die properly I garentee it .

  • Fox Mulder

    June 5th, 2011 - 3:38am

    Omg omg omg omg I just watched it on my Sky + box (DVR box) it was amazing like a movie, And River is Amys daughter that’s best reveal ever can’t wait for autum episodes Let’s Kill Hitler

  • TardisBlue

    June 5th, 2011 - 2:59am

    This was disappointing….And inappropriate for children.I mean the Doctor is fooling around with someone he knows as a baby? Eww.

    Riversong’s big reveal ,was bland and well odd.Read above.

    You never understood what the war was about ,what they wanted the child for ,and what on earth was the purpose of the Headless Monks?

    How come the Doctor doesn’tjust ask the Jailers who Riversong killed ?Or Google her on the InterGlactic Internet.I mean this has got to be the dumbest doctor yet! Doctor Who is supposed to be smart!

    I’m not watching this again and children are going to feel uncomfortable. This is not a children’s show anymore.

  • Devdevil

    June 5th, 2011 - 2:17am

    Well she is his wife and we know how she die’s. That when the doctor first meet’s her. So it was the begining for him and the end for her but we in the middle now so one can’t tell the other till right time

  • Devdevil

    June 5th, 2011 - 2:10am

    Loved it, had to watch some bad epIsode’s so could understand the plot but pepole have forgetting there is more than one time lord, yes river is one cos she was conceived in the tardis but the doctor has a cloned dauger back from when we still had the great David tenant. Cann’t till it back

  • keenan grimes

    June 5th, 2011 - 1:54am

    and she was the little girl in the astronaut suite

  • Richard Oakley

    June 5th, 2011 - 1:32am

    Let’s hope not. Matt Smith does not get the Doctor at all. . He may pretend to be, but he’s not. The Doctor requires an actor who can do drama, Matt Smith cannot.

    Not a great episode- meandering. Not a great series. Moffat certainly thinks highly of himself, but has not delivered. If he thinks a revelation is a cliffhanger, he should go look it up in a dictionary.

    The title for episode 8 Let’s Kill Hitler -seriously? Let’s not. Worst ever title for an episode.

  • Russell

    June 5th, 2011 - 1:07am

    Some people are saying that it’s a let down that River is Amy’s daughter, but let’s pit it this way- River is part Human, part Time Lord.

  • Andrew Hall

    June 5th, 2011 - 12:46am

    In regards to Mad Dalek, why slag off the RTD stuff? He brought us some grand seasons and stories. Why slag off one era when comparing it to another? Thats one thing I hate about Doctor Who fans in general, always slating whats gone before. Just enjoy it for what it is. Everyone has a favourite Doctor and era, season and producer etc there is no need to slate non stop.

  • Kevy

    June 4th, 2011 - 11:53pm

    What strikes me is the amount of information and story development that is contained in most of the dialogue and interaction, so you really do have to pay attention. this can have it’s positive and negative sides. Having said this the overarching story lines give an extra dimension to each episode and adds to the complexity of the characters and their relationships.

    A Good Man is an example of well thought through script writing and storytelling. Matt Smith did an excellent job as usual and is truly a Doctor of the Hartnell and Troughton mould. This episode still leaves some ends to be tied up but that adds to the depth of story, universe and relationships.

    One criticism however of all season 6; slow down, allow the information to rest with the viewers so that they can assimilate the story and understand exactly what is happening from dialogue to dialogue.

  • The Master

    June 4th, 2011 - 11:47pm

    I Thought That Not Many Questions Were Answered In That Episode, And Alot Will Be Answered In Ep.13, It Was Interesting How Melody Pond, Is Basically River Song (Song=Melody, Pond=River) But I’ve Been Thinking, First Of All, How Is The Baby A Time Lord, How Is River Songs Name ‘River Song’, Where Is The Baby, Who Is The Little Girl? And Also, Things Happen In One Episode, And Then Everything Kind Of Works Like It, For Example, We Only Just Met The Flesh, And Then, We Found Out That Amy’s One, But How Could Anybody Suspect It, And We Didn’t Know That The Baby Was Called Melody, So How Could We Connect It To River Song?

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