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September 20th, 2014 97 comments

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What Did You Think of Episode 5 Time Heist

Now that the 5th episode of series 8 has been aired what did you think? Was it everything you had hoped for or not what you expected…

The Doctor turns bank robber when he is given a task he cannot refuse – to steal from the most dangerous bank in the cosmos.

With the help of a beautiful shape-shifter and cyber-augmented gamer, the Doctor and Clara must fight their way past deadly security and come face to face with the fearsome Teller: a creature of terrifying power that can detect guilt…

Doctor Who Series 8 T-Shirts

Exclusive t-shirts only available at BBC Shop.

With each episode of Doctor Who Series 8 comes BBC Shop’s episode specific exclusive tee.

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dvd-comp2Doctor Who: Series 8 DVD/Blu-ray – BBC Shop Exclusive

Doctor Who The Complete Series 8 starring brand new Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldiand his trusty companion Clara, played by Jenna Coleman.

This Limited Edition BBC Shop exclusive Blu-ray or DVD set comes complete with a bright embossed TARDIS slipcase finished with silver foil and a ‘press here’ button, which when pressed plays the legendary TARDIS sound effect. The Collector’s Edition also contains 6 exclusive art cards featuring images of The Doctor and monsters from the new series.

uk-flag-small Available in the UK exclusively from

deep-brath-newsThe Complete Series 8 DVD/Blu-ray

Doctor Who: Series 8 DVD. Available to pre-order now!

Series 8 of Doctor Who returns to UK TV screens on 23rd August, starring Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor and Jenna Coleman as Clara.

The series is set to open with a feature length episode titled “Deep Breath”.

uk-flag-small DVD or Blu-ray available to order from

uk-flag-small Also available to order from

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usa-flag-smallDVD Available to order from



  • fdcs

    October 6th, 2014 - 2:39pm

    so far it has probably been the best ep of the series and had a good plot twist at the end

  • Jerid Gill

    September 25th, 2014 - 7:51pm

    I saw It coming, The Doctor being The Architect, because he says “Whoever he is, is a TIME TRAVELLER.”

  • The Temporal Jelly Baby

    September 25th, 2014 - 6:21pm

    I see what you did there, Billy – 6 words is all it takes. 😀

  • timestream

    September 24th, 2014 - 8:53pm

    since Russell T Davis left Dr Who and David Tenant left I am sorry to say that the series is going downhill fast. I have been a fan of Dr Who since it began in 1963 but this current series is the worst I have ever seen. Look back to the classic series and give Peter some decent scripts Why not remake some of the missing episodes from the early years . Anything would better than this rubbish. You have a great actor in the leading roll .give him the chance to be a great Doctor

  • dalekdave

    September 24th, 2014 - 4:28pm

    I agree this series just isn’t right I think its a mixture of different things casting and scrip Clara and the doctor just don’t work together well, no chemistry there. Amy Pond and Mat Smith worked well but I feel its gone downhill since. unfortunately everything will reach its peak and then there is only one way for it to go

  • valdez

    September 24th, 2014 - 1:06am

    I wish there was a way to correct a post. A five minute window perhaps? Sadness.

  • valdez

    September 24th, 2014 - 1:03am

    The season started off a shaky, but it seems to be finding it’s voice. This episode rocked.

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