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October 18th, 2014 106 comments

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What Did You Think of Episode 9 Flatline?

Separated from the Doctor, Clara discovers a new menace from another dimension.

But how do you hide when even the walls are no protection? With people to save and the Doctor trapped, Clara comes up against an enemy that exists beyond human perception.

Now that the 9th episode of series 8 has been aired what did you think? Was it everything you had hoped for or not what you expected…

dvd-comp2Doctor Who: Series 8 DVD/Blu-ray – BBC Shop Exclusive

Doctor Who The Complete Series 8 starring brand new Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldiand his trusty companion Clara, played by Jenna Coleman.

This Limited Edition BBC Shop exclusive Blu-ray or DVD set comes complete with a bright embossed TARDIS slipcase finished with silver foil and a ‘press here’ button, which when pressed plays the legendary TARDIS sound effect. The Collector’s Edition also contains 6 exclusive art cards featuring images of The Doctor and monsters from the new series.

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deep-brath-newsThe Complete Series 8 DVD/Blu-ray

Doctor Who: Series 8 DVD. Available to pre-order now!

Series 8 of Doctor Who returns to UK TV screens on 23rd August, starring Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor and Jenna Coleman as Clara.

The series is set to open with a feature length episode titled “Deep Breath”.

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  • goldie3070

    October 25th, 2014 - 9:08pm

    Just how domesticated is the new series. The doctor is powerful isn’t he yet he looks like he taking his orders from Clara.I hoped for so much from this series and I love Peter but the series is becoming a bit twee and it is concentrating on the relationship. It is looking all a bit naff.

  • Oncoming Storm 2

    October 24th, 2014 - 7:31pm

    I generally liked episode However Clara
    Strutting around thinking she The doctor
    was ludicrous. Both Rose and Donna
    Became temporary Time Lords by
    absorbing the full power Of the
    Time Vortex. Clara had no power at
    all. Being clever doesn’t make you
    a Time Lord.

  • Anonymous

    October 24th, 2014 - 4:44pm

    Can’t stand her

  • The Moffat Paradox

    October 24th, 2014 - 12:18am

    Only one other thing to say about the Boneless. Bring them BACK!!

  • The Dark Doctor

    October 22nd, 2014 - 5:28pm

    If you look behind Missy, there is windows that to me resemble the old Tear Drop Cyberman eyes.

    Is she perhaps, inside an older version of a Cyberman or onboard a Cyber ship…

  • doctor no more

    October 22nd, 2014 - 5:01pm

    at last a semi decent story/episode,felt like a good 9th or 10th doctor episode with it been set in modern day and on earth.still missing the dr theme music and sadly cant take to this doctor at all,trying to run round the tardis was laughable,thought he was going to fall over.theres no character to him at all.just watched a couple of 11th doc episodes,i wish matt hadn’t finished when he did,he must of known it was getting tired with moff in charge.

  • paddy

    October 22nd, 2014 - 3:12pm

    Methinks some of you try to look into things too deeply. It reminds me of when I studied A level English lit and am convinced we were being encouraged to read things into some works of lit which weren,t written in by the author. In truth you could do the same with Noddy


    October 21st, 2014 - 4:38pm

    Your not the only one. We’ve all thought it looked like the Pandorica.

  • the ergon

    October 21st, 2014 - 11:00am

    Not kipling-william blake.


    October 21st, 2014 - 7:14am

    Actually, it’s the 3rd time the Tardis has shrunk.

    1)Planet of the Giants.

    Don’t worry, I forgot it shrunk in a William Hartnell story, not that I’ve seen it which I haven’t, it’s just that I learned the Tardis had shrunk in an early 1960’s adventure but forgot myself so I too thought she first shrunk in Logopolis just as you thought.

  • Gallifrey Will Rise Again

    October 21st, 2014 - 1:51am

    i have three serious passions in my life
    1. doctor who
    2. sunderland a.f.c Season ticket holder (sigh)
    3. British Sitcoms.

    My absolute dream is for steve pemberton & reece sheersmith to write a doctor who episode together……… my god they would take the doctor to a dark place

  • whomeverafan

    October 20th, 2014 - 11:56pm

    Loved Flatline. It’s just getting better and better with each episode.
    I thought that the Tardis’ cube actually looked like the Pandorica. Is that a coincidence?

  • David

    October 20th, 2014 - 9:11pm

    Can’t anybody see it, Clara is the next Doctor!!

  • Ian

    October 20th, 2014 - 8:01pm

    ‘out of the series’ was how the sentence was supposed to finish 🙂

  • Ian

    October 20th, 2014 - 8:00pm

    Well said!!!

  • Ian

    October 20th, 2014 - 7:59pm

    Something about the first sentence is interesting. I could almost see this plot thread playing out. Of course if Clara does turn out to be the Doctor, sadly I think it could be a natural conclusion to my association with the series after 35 years.

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