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October 21st, 2018 98 comments

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Poll – What Did You Think of Rosa?

Now that the third episode of series 11 has aired what did you think? Was it everything you had hoped for or not what you expected.

Montgomery, Alabama. 1955. The Doctor and her friends find themselves in the Deep South of America. As they encounter a seamstress by the name of Rosa Parks, they begin to wonder whether someone is attempting to change history.



  • Nygel Harrot

    October 26th, 2018 - 8:10pm

    Once again Pats86 we are on the same page…although i must admit i would have given it 2/10….

  • techmki

    October 25th, 2018 - 9:41pm

    The problem with a lot of Moffat stories is that he kept using (Bill and Ted *rolls eyes) ‘magic endings’. 1. Something terrible happens. 2 but don’t worry its all ok because I time traveled and did [INSERT ACTION HERE] to fix it. Hence almost anything that happens can be undone or probably will be anyway. Total loss of dramatic tension.
    The truth is that is the past now, his era is over. If you don’t like the new series then take the advice that was given to many fans that didn’t like the Moffat era by fans that did like that era: go watch those episodes you love on Netflix or DVD or whatever. Someone high up in the BBC must also have had the same thought that something was wrong with the Moffat era otherwise why was his contract cut short! It gets a bit tedious.

  • Anonymous

    October 25th, 2018 - 7:41pm

    I would say say Moffat struggled to tell stories in his later work with who, but now his years with RTD and Early years as head writer, for my e he got burnt out very quick in his time as show runner, but now and then gave great stories like heaven sent and terrible ones like hell bent.

  • Derek Angell

    October 25th, 2018 - 6:00pm

    Moffat struggled to tell any kind of story and when you combine that with Matt Smiths `nails on a chalkboard ’ portrayal of the Doctor followed by lack lustre writing that betrayed the great Peter Capaldi this new direction is a much needed change.I am loving this new series and it‘s great to be watching for pure enjoyment again and not because of clenched teeth loyalty .

  • Dalek Eye Stalk

    October 25th, 2018 - 4:05pm

    They could have cast another male actor in the title role, and they may not have been suitable. The issue for me isn’t the fact the Doctor has different gender. If they wanted a female Doctor, It’s whether the actress is suitable for the role or not, and I never felt Jodie was a natural choice to play the Doctor in the first place. Yet with turning the ‘Master’ into ‘Missy’ they got it spot on! Michelle Gomez was perfect. One thing Moffat definitely excelled at was casting exactly the right people for the Doctor and Master/Missy. How did they get the Doctor so wrong? One would be interested to know who Moffat would have cast as the Doctor if it was to be female. Clearly Chibnall is going for broke, and completely changing the style and dynamic of the show. I’m not sure this is the right way forward though?

  • lorraine

    October 25th, 2018 - 1:52pm

    Do I so agree with you Mary, Moffat Paradox and Arthurian2. I cannot understand why everyone is raving about it when I am silently crying. Jodie is like a big sister not a 2000+ year old time person. Chibnall has no idea about the magic and concept of the programme but we do not know what pressure the Beeb put on him to make DW non-fan based and user friendly for previous non or casual viewers. It just isn’t working and I don’t think the rest of the series will improve much as already in the can. You need a real sense of alien and a great TARDIS interior for the programme to spark. Jodie has no alien aura and the TARDIS interior is far too small to film in this time around seemingly. Jodie and the team make it feel like a run of the mill programme and waving the sonic around endlessly is pointless (expect they are trying to sell these and the stupid Barbie). This is not their fault the writing just isn’t that good. Agree about Broadchurch as well; Tennant and Coleman made it. I think Jodie played the Mum whose Son was killed but if you had asked me before she got the DW gig I could not have told you who this actress was.

  • Tyler Prescott

    October 25th, 2018 - 10:17am

    I think it’s clever, how they set up to have a Black companion, his white grandad, and an Asian, to be affected more greatly by the racism.

    Also, Graham being a bus driver (and, to a lesser degree, Yaz being a police officer) tied in with the plot really well.

  • techmki

    October 24th, 2018 - 6:18pm

    Totally disagree, I think that the reverse is true.

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