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April 6th, 2013 306 comments

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What Did You Think of The Rings of Akhaten?

What Did You Think of The Rings of Akhaten?

Having found himself a new companion in the shape of Clara Oswald, the Doctor asks where she wants to go first – and her request for somewhere awesome takes the pair to the rings of the planet Akhaten, inhabited by all manner of amazing creatures.

Clara meets the young queen, who is about to take part in a ceremony called the Festival of Offerings – but what begins as a happy sing-song soon turns very grim. Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman star.

Now that the 2nd episode of series 7b has aired in the UK what did you think?, was it the best episode ever or just average.



  • TheDoctorGallifrey

    April 14th, 2013 - 8:12pm

    P.S.(continued) So I won’t know much about classic Doctors

  • TheDoctorGallifrey

    April 14th, 2013 - 8:11pm

    When the Doctor said ‘I have lost things you will never understand’, I shed a tear as I thought about the Ponds, Rose, Donna….

  • booboo

    April 14th, 2013 - 9:04am

    couldn’t get on with it

  • Mr Byzantium iPod

    April 14th, 2013 - 8:40am

    Booboo what did you think of this episode? I’ve watched it 3 times and I think it is much better than I originally thought

  • Rsteady

    April 13th, 2013 - 10:36pm

    Not quite boring but the quality is dropping. No offense but Colin Bakers Dr was an arrogant, pompass ass and he didn’t need to keep telling us he was an alien as his attitude did not help a series in crisis.

  • Rsteady

    April 13th, 2013 - 10:32pm

    Yes it is the ISP’s choking your bandwidth even on unlimited accounts.

    They are also censoring the sites you can go to. So beware there are monsters out there. Muahahahahaha!!!!

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