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December 25th, 2013 744 comments

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What Did You Think of The Time of the Doctor?

What Did You Think of The Time of the Doctor?

Orbiting a quiet backwater planet, the massed forces of the universe’s deadliest species gather, drawn to a mysterious message that echoes out to the stars – and amongst them, the Doctor.

Rescuing Clara from a family Christmas dinner, the Time Lord and his best friend must learn what this enigmatic signal means for his own fate and that of the universe.




    December 26th, 2013 - 10:14am

    I thought it was very good

  • RYCBAR123

    December 26th, 2013 - 9:47am

    I agree! 😀

  • Brian s.

    December 26th, 2013 - 9:08am

    well last night was bizarre like things have become but not in a bad way but still bizarre.

    slightly to many monsters. for me to add to the confusion. will watch again like last time and see more in it i expect

    i wish Peter all the best in the world in his new Regeneration but i do think think 9 months is a long wait for things to be allowed to go off the boil. perhaps Mr moffit should regenerate himself into another if his to absorbed in other work so we can have an Easter special to keep the flame alive don’t want things to die like they did before that would be very very sad indeed.

  • The Blue Box

    December 26th, 2013 - 9:06am

    If you didn’t like this episode when you first watched it or were disappointed, watch the episode again it is much better the second time.

    It’s an episode made for multiple viewings.

  • The Fifth Horseman

    December 26th, 2013 - 8:59am

    Why all the hate?

    Change is a part of life, what you make of that change is what governs your outlook. Which is the central message of the story.

    Ironically certain fans of Doctor Who thrive on negativity. You’re entitled to, but remember the world is bigger than you and the people who inhabit that world are now able to compare the Moffat era to the RTD era. Time has certainly shown that the RTD era was awful, with gems like “Blink” and “Girl in the Fireplace” being the shining moments.

    Interestingly, these shows are written by Steven Moffat. Also, during Matt Smiths era, the show has been more critically claimed than any of RTD’s woeful work.

    In closing, I found “Time of the Doctor” optimistic, hopeful, sad and moving. And I am grateful for Steven Moffat’s hard work, along with Matt Smith’s sublime acting. As for Jenna Coleman, her performance is in another realm of brilliance.

    To these people, you have my gratitude for a brilliant piece of television.

    To those that hate, remember that hate will eventually consume you. When you implode with hate, just have the dignity to go somewhere quiet and out of the way. And let the rest of the world move on without you.

  • Steve Jarvis

    December 26th, 2013 - 8:47am

    Westcountry Daleks, a am guessing. They probably appeared in Thomas Hardy’s books too: Dalek Khan The Obscure, Davros of the R and Far From The Madding Daleks.

  • Nathanwho

    December 26th, 2013 - 8:27am

    probably because the regeneration messes with his head.
    like always!!!

  • Steve Jarvis

    December 26th, 2013 - 8:25am

    I agree completely. There was so much negative and derogatory chatter when Matt Smith tool over from David Tennant and you can see how undeserved it all was: Smith was excellent in the role and added new depths to the character. I have no doubt that Peter Capaldi will do the same.

  • Steve Jarvis

    December 26th, 2013 - 8:18am

    On the whole, I enjoyed Time of The Doctor and am very excited about seeing Peter Capaldi’s interpretation of The Doctor. 🙂

  • Steve Jarvis

    December 26th, 2013 - 8:07am

    Go with whips and, where possible, cattle-prods.


    December 26th, 2013 - 8:06am

    HELLO PETER CAPALDI !!!!!!!!! 😀

    Wait, what do you mean you can’t remember how to fly the Tardis ?, Gahhhhhhhh !!!!!!! 🙁

  • Steve Jarvis

    December 26th, 2013 - 8:05am

    I enjoyed Time of the Doctor, because it was Doctor Who and because I have been waiting excitedly for the end of Matt Smith’s time and the beginning of Peter Capaldi’s – although Matt Smith has done a excellent job and I will miss his persona, his querky comic genius style. Time of the Doctor seemed to baffle people by taking the excitement and anticipation out of the regeneration. With Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant the regeneration was dynamic, moving, dreadful and amazing. I last night’s episode there was a distinct lack of the build up or the climax that could have been dramatic and stylish. Steven Moffatt has done a good job in as much as it could have been far worse… And “it could have been worse” should never be considered a benchmark for excellence.


    December 26th, 2013 - 8:05am

    Apart from the use of whips and chains – I AGREE 😉

  • Leon

    December 26th, 2013 - 4:27am

    Damn you to hell, Mr. Moffat.

    Nine months to the new season?

    Lock those people on the set – use whips and chains if you must.

    But more, sooner damn it!

  • Karen

    December 26th, 2013 - 4:03am

    Very forced storyline! I felt like Moffat got lost and couldn’t find his way home in the story so he just added everyone and everything in the recipe and just stirred. Only the cake fell flat. The plot was rushed and underdeveloped. I was very disappointed.
    I hope the new Dr. has better writing so he has at least half a chance to win us over.

  • Andy N

    December 26th, 2013 - 4:01am

    I thought it was refreshing to see the doctor aging rather than being taken out by an enemy. There wasn’t the whole sad feel of the episode like the final of pretty much every doctor (other than Colin Baker). I remember the whole sadness especially surrounding Tom Baker’s whole episode and this one showed hope with a whole new set of regenerations rather than always waiting on how they would address #13. I will miss Matt Smith terribly but give Peter a chance…he may surprise everyone!

  • GallopingDalek

    December 26th, 2013 - 3:58am

    It was fantastic Peter Capaldi a bit scary so far but I loved the episode I really love it

  • Dalek the Supreme

    December 26th, 2013 - 3:39am

    David Tennant’s regeneration consisted of him moping about how regeneration is dying, how the next man wouldn’t be the Doctor, and why change is a bad thing. Matt Smith’s did the opposite for me. It was about accepting change and the excitement of being renewed, while still looking back and remembering who you were.

  • Dalek the Supreme

    December 26th, 2013 - 3:37am

    According to my dad, this special has received a lot of hate online already. And I have to say, I can see why. However, no, I do not think this is a bad episode.
    While it has a hilarious start that moves to be terrifying, this episode is plagued by rushed explanations around the middle-half. However, from Handles’ death onwards, I couldn’t have been more happy. The start of the regeneration was epic and made me laugh in sheer giddy joy, and his final speech to Clara is truly heartfelt, and a much better description of regeneration than what was given in The End of Time, followed by a hilarious start to Capaldi. However, while the Daleks succeed as the main baddies of the episode, the other monsters like the Cybermen, and even the Silence feel pushed out of the way. While the story did entertain me in the time it had, it really should have been a two-parter, and gets a 7/10 from me.

  • Silence Will Still Fall

    December 26th, 2013 - 2:20am

    It’s as simple as this if you dislike him after 25-30 seconds find another show! because we’re sick of this negative garbage every time we get someone new to take over as our favourite madman with a box!

  • Silence Will Still Fall

    December 26th, 2013 - 2:17am

    It’s as simple as this if you dislike him after 25-30 seconds find another show! because we’re sick of this negative garbage every time we get someone new to take over as our favourite madman with a box!

  • Graham. S.

    December 26th, 2013 - 2:07am

    Enjoyed the episode, found it fun and entertaining. As usual further viewings will reveal things that were missed first time round.

    Dr Who is still , in my opinion, in very safe and capable hands. The excellent 50th anniversary ep and ” an adventure in space and time” proved this even if half of the eps of Matt Smiths final season were frankly poor.

    The trouble is, the seasons are so short they can’t afford for half the episodes to be sub par.

    Peter Capaldi has a very tough act to follow after Matt Smith. I hope to god he can fit into the role and that the writing is great.

    He is a capable actor, but can he make the role his own and can the writing hit the mark ?

    What I don’t want is for new Dr Who to move from ” must see” TV like most if Tom Bakers tenure , into ” not bothered territory”, like virtually everything from old De Who from Peter Davidson onwards…. It wasn’t the actors fault, it was just awful writing .

    Oh, ok there was some terrible acting in the form of Adric , Turlough, Tegan, Mel , & Ace. They were never good and never improved.

    Lets hope New Who avoids the issues of Old Who…it’s managed to so far…..

  • Silence Will Still Fall

    December 26th, 2013 - 2:02am

    Peter will be one of the best ever! just wait for these so called “fans” to jump on the bandwagon like they did with matt.

  • liam dalek

    December 26th, 2013 - 1:47am

    How can you hate capaldi if he was only on for about 20 seconds.

  • Anonymous

    December 26th, 2013 - 1:24am

    Ha…minoritity groups always shout loudest…desperate for the attention.

  • JJ

    December 26th, 2013 - 1:21am


  • JJ

    December 26th, 2013 - 1:20am

    Did you watch the episode I watched?

  • JJ

    December 26th, 2013 - 1:20am

    AGREED! Althought it’s not the worse, try watching The Doctor, The Widow And The Wardrobe!

  • JJ

    December 26th, 2013 - 1:19am

    I thought he was gonna snog her! I was screaming and shouting: “Run Jenna Coleman, RUN!

  • JJ

    December 26th, 2013 - 1:19am

    50th: Rubbish and disappointing
    Special: Read above

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