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November 25th, 2018 43 comments

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Poll – What Did You Think of The Witchfinders?

Now that the eighth episode of series 11 has aired what did you think? Was it everything you had hoped for or not what you expected.

The Doctor, Ryan, Graham and Yaz arrive in 17th century Lancashire and become embroiled in a witch trial, run by the local landowner.

As fear stalks the land, the arrival of King James I only serves to intensify the witch hunt. But is there something even more dangerous at work? Can the Doctor and friends keep the people of Bilehurst Cragg safe from all the forces that are massing in the land?

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  • Anonymous

    November 27th, 2018 - 5:14pm

    I see no difference between eras. It’s all who to me. This has been great fun so far. The kids have been scared, thrilled and entertained and they all love Jodie. I never compare eras and I never rate stories, giving each story a score is just pointless as it’s so subjective. Everybody raves about the daemons but I find the dialogue poor and the ending is just dire. Still enjoy watching it though!

  • Gaz

    November 27th, 2018 - 3:06pm

    The overall positive votes for the majority of episodes for this series kind of proves the point that the naysayers & negative Nancy’s always shout the loudest. I have issues with this series, but overall I have enjoyed it. I have been watching DW since 1968, & series 11 is definitely still very much DOCTOR WHO. I think the people who are saying it doesn’t feel like DW really mean it doesn’t feel like Steven Moffat’s Who, which is OK , because Moffat’s DW was very different from the 30 odd years that preceded it, but it was still very much the same show, as is Series 11.

  • nygel Harrot

    November 27th, 2018 - 7:58am

    Thank you Anonymous, for pointing that out.. I feel such a fool. I didn’t realise there was a script. I shall certainly look out for one in the next episode 😉

  • Paddy

    November 27th, 2018 - 1:24am

    Better than most this series – but would have preferred a pure historical rather than crow-barring in aliens in last fifteen minutes.
    Alan Cummings overacting quite funny and enjoyable.
    This story would have worked well in the Hinchcliffe era when he did gothic horror stories with real atmosphere and menace – and of course had THE Doctor Tom Baker.
    Jodie isn,t working for me – does not convince as a 1000+ yr old time Lady. Need an actor with greater presence – if it is to be female (which I never thought a good idea), I think it would have to be a much older actress playing a Hartnell-esque character.
    As for this season I haven’t watched more than half and I can take it or leave it – after 47 years of barely missing an episode.

  • Tom

    November 26th, 2018 - 7:39pm

    I think this doctor Jodie Whittaker is a good actor and she’s trying her best but I think the writing of the episodes are what’s wrong there is too much PC in the writing everything went to hell after Matt Smith

  • Lorraine

    November 26th, 2018 - 7:16pm

    I really am not enjoying this series. I am so sick of the preaching and I really dislike Jodie’ s interpretation of the role.I am sorry but it is just awful. For the first time in my viewing years these are all episodes i never wish to see again. This year I won’t be rushing to buy the DVD. Whatever Chibnall is doing he needs to stop. 2018 is a Who disaster. Sorry to moan on but this was my favourite programme and this travesty insults the intelligence of the fan base i feel. 2/10

  • ADAM

    November 26th, 2018 - 3:39pm

    The musical score was great here, it reminded me of one of my favourite horror movies The Witch. But alas that’s where anything good ends. Another poorly written story with Alan cumming chewing up the scenery with an ott pantomime performance.

    And i’m still not a fan of any of the miscast regulars and was half hoping the “DOC” would regenerate after being dunked in the water..sigh.

  • Anonymous

    November 26th, 2018 - 3:17pm

    Once again lots of negative comments compared to the very positive votes. In answer to the smoke question the doctor scanned the tree, realised it was the locking mechanism and that the smoke could be used to force the creatures back. It was there in the script

  • Ash

    November 26th, 2018 - 1:02pm

    For me these last two weeks have been really enjoyable. Rosa and Demons of the Punjab were very good but there’s a sense of fun and charm in the last couple of episodes that’s felt more Dr Who-y for me. I’ll admit, the last 10 minutes of The Witchfinders completely passed me by; the introduction of the Morax felt very sudden and rushed and took me out of it a bit. But I enjoyed the rest of it; Alan Cumming was great as King James, and I’m really warming to Jodie now; these last two episodes have been great for her Doctor.

  • Ade71

    November 26th, 2018 - 12:36pm

    It’s just not Doctor Who anymore.


    November 26th, 2018 - 12:32pm

    One thing that has been niggling was how the Doctor went from knowing nothing about the Morax to knowing that the smoke destroyed them?… Bit of a jump… but to be honest I’ve been generally disappointed with the other episodes that expectations have been lowered, and I didn’t expect to see an actual alien threat so was just happy to get that

  • Nygel Harrot

    November 26th, 2018 - 10:31am

    As clear as mud. The dr knows nothing about these creatures, guesses at most of their alien culture… then out of the blue knows exactly that smoke from the tree/not tree will destroy them!

    Weak , weak weak…… utter tripe.

    Who is this aimed at… if it IS 7 year olds then i’m sure a quick mention of Tarantino would go down a treat.

    Utttttttter Tripe.

  • Me Here

    November 26th, 2018 - 9:32am

    To be honest, I’m more and more convinced that the BBC is trying to weaken the franchise to such an extent that they can sell it off to the Americans.
    This entire series has been weak, and considering that they had something to prove to the nay sayers with regards to bringing in a female doctor – I don’t think they have achieved it.

    Story last night was weak, dialogue clunky, and I’m afraid Alan Cummins character would have been more suited in a pantomime or a silent movie where the villain is twisting his moustache.

    As with all new Doctors I’ve sat back and waited for them to prove themselves, the unfortunate thing is here it seems to be more of a platform for the companions (Bradley Walsh – really !!) than the Doctor herself.

    Bring back Russell T Davies – he saved it once he can again (before it’s sold over the pond and totally ruined).

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