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October 8th, 2012 971 comments

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What Would You Like For The 50th Anniversary

What Would You Like To See For The 50th Anniversary

With the days and months ticking away to the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who what would you like to see happen to celebrate this momentous occasion.

A multi Doctor Story? Past Doctors and Companions playing other parts? anything as long as it involves Paul McGann or Doctor Who street parties perhaps?



  • Chris Keillor

    May 21st, 2012 - 11:47am

    I would love to see Captain Jack return along with David and Christopher. i think they should all crash into eachother in the vortex and then the tardis’ should colide and they have to work together to separate them. it would be nice to see rose again and she can be introduced to the newest doctor but unfortunately sarah jane cant be there, i miss her dearly.

  • LaserSpanner

    May 19th, 2012 - 9:44pm

    The Four Doctors (Starring Matt Smith, David Tennant, Christopher Eccleston and Paul McGann). Basically there’s a destabilised time loop in the Time Vortex, causing the Doctors to be drawn together. If they don’t fix it, the Time Vortex will be ripped to shreds. They call on several companions to help and eventually find out that the Trickster is behind it. The Trickster creates illusions of the Doctor’s past, including the end of Gallifrey, losing Rose, etc. The Eleventh Doctor realises he can defeat the Trickster by trapping him in the TARDIS, a place that exists nowhere in time-space and therefore cannot be destroyed. River Song materialises the TARDIS around the Trickster, trapping him, and the combined powers of the eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh Doctors destroyes the Trickster’s device. The Doctors return to their own times and the threat is averted. The Doctor creates a cell in the TARDIS that can safely hold the Trickster for all eternity. But the Doctor knows better than anyone: Not even eternity lasts forver… And Silence will fall.

  • 1042511319786

    May 19th, 2012 - 8:49pm

    Oh, and he could save the companion or not. I don’t really care. Whatever benefits the story most.

  • 1042511319786

    May 19th, 2012 - 8:48pm

    I know some people would hate this idea, but I would love to see The Doctor to face The Master who has teamed up with The Daleks and The Doctor realizes they’re mission is to change the past and alter the future. In another cliffhanger of an ending in which he has to decide between his companion, who’s life is being threatened in the current day, and going back in time with The Master and The Daleks through a time rift that is about to be sealed. In the next of a two part story, he chosses the rift and realize that his enemies are out to kill an old man. After some awesome Doctor Who stuff in which he stops the Daleks and The Master just before they can reach the old man, he goes to find the old man in person. He finds him at 76 Totters Lane, which is where William Hartnell lives at in the very first Doctor Who Episode ever, complimenting him on how very young he is. This would wrap all fifty years together. That’s what I would want to see.

  • booboo the third

    May 19th, 2012 - 7:22pm

    just thougt of this what if the fall of the 11th was not the fall of the 11th doctor it was the fall of the 11th companion like they did with wilf and he will knock 4 times

  • crazy guy

    May 19th, 2012 - 5:12pm

    Steven moffat has said that plans for the 50 Th anniversary has begun earlier this week

  • Dalek Sec

    May 19th, 2012 - 12:28pm

    If we have all the old Daleks back, then we should have new Daleks.

  • doctor who

    May 19th, 2012 - 7:55am

    maybe also the silence war on the fields of trenzalore,the fall of the eleventh and the question.i would like to see why the question is it started or ends the silence war and where the leaders of the silence,the tall memory proof greys in suits are from.i think they could be from trenzalore

  • Tyler Tudor

    May 18th, 2012 - 10:15pm

    good idea!

  • Tyler Tudor

    May 18th, 2012 - 10:14pm

    all 11 doctors a seires of all the 11 doctors enmies 3 from each doctor the return of jo grant romana ace susan capti jack gwen from torchwood jenny the doctors daughter astrid jamie zoe and river song.

  • the supreme

    May 18th, 2012 - 10:11pm

    That a new colour of new daleks are made.Green and they could be the warroiors of the daleks and they work with the silence/cybermen

  • The Silence

    May 18th, 2012 - 9:10pm

    And should have put in “The Doctor’s Army” not “The Alliance”, sorry about that.

  • The Silence

    May 18th, 2012 - 5:25pm

    I should have put “The Alliance because” sorry about that.

  • The Silence

    May 18th, 2012 - 5:07pm

    There are only 3 things that I would like in the 50th anniversary:
    1. The silence finding out about the doctor surviving the death at Lake Silencio and secretly controlling the Daleks or Cybermen in an attempt to kill him again.
    2. The return of at least 2 classic doctors, either Paul McGann and Peter Davison, or David Tennant and Sylvester McCoy.
    3. The return of the alliance cause they were really cool in A Good Man Goes To War only this time with more of River Song in the team and Captain Jack, if possible.

  • cyber contoller

    May 17th, 2012 - 9:25am

    what about daleks

  • the master

    May 15th, 2012 - 7:27pm

    it would be good if the silents return then we can find out where they are from and why they feared the doctor

  • dalek105

    May 15th, 2012 - 7:25pm

    i like this idea

  • the astornaut of death

    May 15th, 2012 - 12:45pm

    just want it to be great

  • Dalek Sec

    May 15th, 2012 - 7:49am

    What would be really cool is if Riversong was shooting at hundred Daleks, while trying to open an airlock (deadlocked), so she shoots at it (opening it), flys into the TARDIS which has just materialized, and the whole Dalek Scout Ship has exploded in decompresion. Meanwhile The Doctor appears in a new haircut and suit, he takes her to Darillium. By the way this is the ending to a episode, not the whole thing.

  • Dalek Sec

    May 15th, 2012 - 7:44am

    I would hate him more if he was behind the Silence. Also Adric can come back, only just before he died. Considering how bad the Companions were, Amy Pond in my opinion is redeemed.

  • The Architect from Terserus

    May 14th, 2012 - 11:15pm

    It’s a good idea… i suppose.. but reading the first few sentences.. there is a snag. ’63-’13…. 50 years. The list of monsters are just part of the previous 7 years, what about the other 43…… Yeti, Zygons, Metebellis 3 spiders. no real celebration there mate

  • The Architect from Terserus

    May 14th, 2012 - 10:50pm

    Adric died in Earthshock: part IV (i think in 1982)
    to prevent the shuttle (that adric is on) crashing into the earth, by blowing it up.
    The story afterwards (Time-flight) showed Matthew Waterhouse (Adric) doing a cameo as a ‘ghost’ of Adric to prevent Nyssa progressing to the next stage in the story (nearly). Earthshock was directly after Black Orchid, and before Time-flight and Arc of Infinity

  • DW2012

    May 14th, 2012 - 9:39pm

    I think thats a working title not sure thuo

  • the astronaut of death

    May 14th, 2012 - 7:44pm

    i dont no if this is a spoiler

    but i have just found episode 4 of series 7 will be called cubed

  • Top 10 Things To Create An Epic 50th Adventure

    May 14th, 2012 - 6:52pm

    1. Matt Smith at his best
    2. The Doctor being pushed to the limit
    3. An epic plot
    4. Action, explosions!
    5. Daleks being Evil (Rememberance of the Daleks style)
    6. No Advice from Michael Bay
    7. A cameo from Susan and Jenny
    8. Return of Tennant, McGann and McCoy hopefully C. Baker and Davison
    9. NO TIMELORDS! (We can still have an epic 50th adventure without them)
    10. Return of the Alliance

  • the TARDIS

    May 14th, 2012 - 6:19pm

    I entirely agree that the Daleks need to be in it, but I would also like something which really boasts the fact that Doctor Who is a 50 year old show. It needs past Doctors and past companions, even in different roles as well as past monsters, Daleks included.

  • Anonymous

    May 14th, 2012 - 3:59pm

    I Don’t want to poop on the party, but I would prefer just a classic dalek story, here’s for why:
    Daleks are the oldest and most recognised emeny
    Daleks are supposedly the scariest classic monster
    The silence should be handelled in a series, not in a massive special like this.
    As nice as it would be to have the fields of trezenlor( I know that’s spelt wrong) I can’t help felling that it’s only been there for 1 series, and the 50th annerversary should be something that every doctor who fan can get it on, even the ones that have only started watching the show, to the ones that have been hardcore fans since day 1
    Daleks always bring a nice mood to Doctor Who, it makes it feel like a classic sci-fi TV show, no complex story lines and time rewritten stuff.
    I know that it would be neat to have a EPIC battle with the silence, but I feel that belongs in the series more than a aneversary show.

  • Anonymous

    May 14th, 2012 - 3:48pm

    I woldn’t like it that the silent have only been in 1 series and have controlled everything, it kind of ruins everything else like the daleks and the time lord return, it would be neat, but the silence are a 11th doctor problem, not 10th or 9th.

  • doctor who

    May 13th, 2012 - 10:43am

    here is another idea
    the sentinels of history have been at war with the doctor since the dawn of time.but the doctor has forgotten it as they are the silents.they have been behind all the events in the doctor’s past to get at the doctor.they were behind rassilon’s plan to brainwash the master so the master could be a weapon for the silents.they gave davros the dalek idea and even the time lords that daleks would conquer reality.they created the time war and every monser that came to earth was the silents plan so to destroy the doctor everything was all part of there war against him a war that started at the start of gallifrey with the other because gallifrey was the peaceful home of the sentinels or silents as they became but soon the other arrived and had them destroyed and changed peace into darkness along with rassilon and omega but really it was the other’s idea and then they went to endless war using creatures across realities to destroy him because of what he did.the other gave rassilon and omega the idea to change reality and destroy the sentinels of history who controlled it all.but they predict at one event on trenzalore at the fall of the 11th the doctor will be asked his name by river song and his name will cause the other to come.the arch enemy of the silents who destroyed them and who will face them in a final battle but destroying them will do something to the universe forever.but this story is no sense.will never happen and impossible but just a crazy theory that all his enemies are under the silents control to destroy him because he caused evil and cursed there universe so they want the curse wiped out.this is just never going to happen but could be a good idea

  • doctor who

    May 13th, 2012 - 10:24am

    the doctor is given a warning as he knows only to well his days are ending maybe even forever because the events are closing around the doctor.the doctor is caught up on the fields of trenzalore in the silence war against the doctor.the leaders of the silents are time police like time lords but they have it all targeted on one person the doctor because danger follows him everywhere like a curse.the silence have been at war trying to stop and clean up the doctor’s mess across the universe.the silents can see all history at once and where the doctor is but they know his future is dangerous because at trenzalore on it’s fields will be the final battle.the greatest battle ever because today is the fall of the eleventh an event which will see the doctor fall by the powers of the silence who have one last trap in place to destroy him to stop him answering the question.but river works out the only way to stop the doctor going forever is by answering a question which river asks at one moment.because this is the wedding of the doctor and river song and river will ask a question which will destroy the silents belief of the the silents must stop it because the question being answered will destroy them as they are the sentinels of history and there job to watch the doctor to put all the bad events he does right.but his identity will change history to the belief of the silents who are like judges of history and when his identity is revealed the silents will no longer exist as his identity is something in his past that will destroy the silents and change history of the universe’s too complicated and confusing

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