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October 8th, 2012 971 comments

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What Would You Like For The 50th Anniversary

What Would You Like To See For The 50th Anniversary

With the days and months ticking away to the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who what would you like to see happen to celebrate this momentous occasion.

A multi Doctor Story? Past Doctors and Companions playing other parts? anything as long as it involves Paul McGann or Doctor Who street parties perhaps?



  • Anonymous

    March 9th, 2014 - 7:52pm

    I dunno

  • Ficinsics

    February 28th, 2014 - 7:49am

    ” Grandma took the dog away we say that Grandma is really old and confused , a dog became her mind.

  • the big secret

    June 3rd, 2013 - 11:18pm

    Simmon your idea is good but the timelords were driven mad by the stress of the time war and were going to destroy reality like the daleks. the doctor destroyed the timelords to save reality

  • Andrew Gough

    May 16th, 2013 - 5:57pm

    If Steven Moffat does not want the eleven Doctors appearing together, why not have just Doctors 4-8 in a separate anniversary story. Plenty of fans want these Doctors to be involved and, it is obvious that these previous Doctors also want to be involved. It just seems a pity that in this 50th Anniversary year there appears to be less episodes of Doctor Who and, a big opportunity lost by not having a multi Doctor story.

  • Aaron-Vir Chana

    May 9th, 2013 - 7:13pm

    No, I don’t think so because oyherwise she would remember and anyway. The Doctor made his daughter
    in the future, and she doesn’t have a time-machine!

  • Steve Callum

    May 3rd, 2013 - 7:09pm

    It’s sad that none of the old Doctors except Tennant are appearing even as holograms or such like….How can Moffat deem his fair treatment of the series to just ignore the vast history and the fact that older fans WANT to see the older Doctors appearing in one way or another….He has no sense of what an anniverary special is…To be fair I wish R T Davies was back writing the special because Moffat i my opinion never really id his home wor on the history of the series and in many of his stories has blatantly contradicted and dismissed the established history of the pogramme. I think that not having the old doctors appearat all is dismissive….perhaps then we staunch fans should dismiss hi meager excuse of a special because without the older dotors it wont be a special, just another romp about with a single zygon and explosions everywhere…. wont be arsed now if I miss the 50th special cos without aknowledging th past you have 50th annversary im afraid.

  • Weep

    May 3rd, 2013 - 12:54pm

    It’s could be great if we have to see the tenth Doctor TARDIS interior

    I want also the return of Susan, Ian, Barbara, River, Strax, Vastra, Jenny.

    The return of the Daleks who have forgotten the Doctor, the new Cybermen from Nightmare in silver, the weeping angels, the Silence, the valeyard.

    And a big death who changes the face of Doctor Who

  • space1999

    April 28th, 2013 - 9:23pm

    there never coming back

  • nightAngel

    April 28th, 2013 - 11:37am

    I would like to see rose and the doctor get back together. Rose and donna (in my Opinion) are some of the best companions ever. I do think the time war should be explained more and how the doctor regenerated from doctor eight to nine. I think the doctor will find a way of not revealing his name and that maybe the only person he ends up telling his name to is river song (remember she knows his name before she dies in the library).

  • mr

    April 24th, 2013 - 7:54am

    If Clara is the Doctor’s daughter, then River Song is her mum, and Amy and Rory are her grandparents.

  • Anony-mouse

    April 24th, 2013 - 12:21am

    No…Just no…

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